Tea with his Majesty

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You woke up still on his lap but Lucas was asleep too. You raised your hand caressing the mole on his face. It's truly beautiful. While you were looking at his face.

Lucas opens his eyes. You immediately pulled your hand away, avoiding his eyes. It was awkward yet your heart was not in a good condition.

"I need to go back to bed I am tired"You said
"Yeah"Lucas replies as his body transformed back to his child body and so did you.

You ran into Elvis on the way and he glared at Lucas watching him. Lucas was scared for his life at this point. He watched as Elvis whispered to you and you shake your head then Elvis looks at Lucas normally

"Weird"he thought raising an eyebrow.

"Is he an alibi?"Elvis asks.
"Yeah but not sure"You said
"I see"Elvis says as you and Elvis walked to your room.

"Thanks for accompanying me Elvis"You said
"You rest well I was told the poison was aconite"Elvis says
"What?!"You asked.
"It seems you were immune to it"Elvis says giving you thumps up.

"Even my past body would have been paralyzed by now how did I?"You wonder.
"I think it has to do with the punishments you had back before you woke up in this body"Elvis says.

You thought back at it and you tried to remember anytime or any memory of your sister being poisoned but got a headache instead.

"I will see about that"You said
"Be careful okay?"Elvis says kissing your forehead and you nod.

You opened the book reading it. It was a book about dreams and meaning of it. You were curious of the dreams you had sometimes.

"Y/n how do I look?"Elena asked
"Beautiful Eli, go on and have fun"You said
"Are you sure you won't need anything?"Elena asks
"Yes, now go"You said

"Okay bye if you need anything let me know okay?"Elena said smiling
"Sure"You replied as you smiled

Elena seems to like having tea party with Jennette and her highness and you are glad she is socializing with nobles.

"I should have asked for water to take the pill"You thought

You stand up to leave the room. You looked around at the details. The ruby palce hasn't ever changed at all. You found the kitchen.

"Is there any reason for me to remember you in particular?"You hear his voice
"Should i eavesdrop? Or ignore it?"You thought
"If I catch you wandering the palace again there will be severe consequences"Claude said

"Im sorry you majesty"You hear Jennete's voice
"Waoh terrifying"you thought filling the glass in water. You left the room to bump into someone immediately.

"Oh I am very sorry your majesty"You said
"Can't he see where he is going?"You thought
"Oh, I was looking for you"Claude said

"What would your majesty want with me?"you ask taking the pill and drinking the water

"Follow me"Claude said and You followed him.
"What is it your majesty want with me?"You ask
"Drink it"Claude said

You drink the tea as he suggested but as soon as you drank it, you felt as it was hard to breath.

"Oi FELIX ELVIS"Claude calls
"What did you give her?"Elvis asks
"I offered her Lippe tea"Claude said
"She is allergic to it"Elvis said

You tried to breath as Elvis held you on his arm with you on the floor.

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