Side story

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Some people say that the emperor was losing his fame, power and that he was sick. Yet in the palace the emperor held his dear wife who was on verge of dying.

Her son who has grown up to be a beautiful child stood there. He was worried for some reason. He was afraid of something but couldn't put his finger on why he was feeling that way.

His father was sad with tears running his cheeks and his mother was pale as she creased his father and his cheek smiling giving them her blessings as she slept

He then realized that she has died. His mother has left him and died. His father was as well old and close to dying. He was more of a mother's son since his father was the emperor and they were commoners.

He could hear the emperor's sobs as he walked out of there to his room.


Another child was sitting with his mother who was the empress. Many respected her yet with him, his mother yells and hurts him. She warns him of things he does not believe it's dangerous to him.

He makes a mistake and his mother slaps the back of his hand as he hissed in pain. She tells him to act like a noble and not low born commoner. He looks at his mother as he tried to talk back.

His mother's glare makes him close his lips with nothing to utter. Later after his mother received some news she leaves him alone in the garden. He cries out there alone

While he was crying he feels someone tap on his shoulder as he looks at the owner of the hand. It's a girl. She was his half brother's friend. He disliked her but she always managed to find him when he was crying.

She would hand him her handkerchief and talk to him as he listens to her talking. Slowly and slowly he realizes that he no more disliked her. In fact he liked her yet she has never tried to go with him anywhere publicly.

"I would be going with Cluade I am sorry"
Is what she would say most of the time. He never wanted to lose her so he decided to keep his relationship a secret

After all his mother would punish him for talking to a commoner's friend. The garden was their spot. She would sit on the edge of the fountain and he would sit with her.

Years later

He grows up and slowly decided to put some space between him and his mother. His mother was not happy about it at all she would brag about things he has not done. She would make up rumors that it was him all along.

He starts to regret ever putting a space between him and his mother seeing how his mother always has a way to get him close to her side. She has tried mischiefs and things he wouldn't like to think of.

He was ashamed of her but yet he takes her words and decided to avoid his brother to become the next emperor so his mother would stop bothering him.

One night where he was in his chamber she rushed in angry with tears running her cheeks. she yells at him, slapping him twice telling him that he should be the one bringing her honor to their name as she insults a deceased woman.

That was the last time he has heard of her as she has passed away that night infront of him. He couldn't explain if what he felt was a relief or sadness. Once again he doesn't know anyone to help him or show him the right path.

He remembers she would find him everytime he was sad. He decided to visit her and there was she at her garden adding new seeds.

She asks him what he was doing and before he could reply she would answer for him. He would nodd as he sits next to her. They would talk together and he decided that he should confess to her.

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