Claude (2)

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You have finally decided to take a walk around with Lucas whom was accompanied by Elvis who nodded at him accepting of him.

You remember when everything was crazy and Elvis didn't even trust no one, no men or women. He had his guards up all the time until Jennette was able to charm him.

"Elvis come I must show you something"Jennette says as you laugh and someone surprised you by hugging you from behind.

"You aren't supposed to be here yet"You said
"I couldn't stay away from you"Anastacius says as you smile before kissing him.

"Hey a room you too"Lucas says walking away as you and Anastacius laugh before you looked at his eyes.
"I missed you"You said
"Me too"You said

You and Anastacius are going to be married soon and you haven't sent out the invites yet as you wanted to prepare everything first then send the invites.

You were doing two gathering one in which you revealed to people that you are getting married to Anastacius and the second in which you two get married.

You have invited all those close to you even bringing all the people from the town far away. You missed seeing them all with you.

"I can't believe that you are finally getting married"Elena says
"I know right? I can't wait to finally be married and meet my child"You said rubbing your stomach

"YOU ARE PREGNANT!!!"Mary screams as Klaus closes the door immediately hoping no one had heard that.

"Yeah"You replied
"Oh, this is a blessing to us"Mary says holding your hands as her eyes tears up crying at the fact that you were now becoming a mother.

"You have grown up"Mary says
"Thanks to you"you said

Everything that you had suffered is now looking like it has never even happened before. You were very happy having all those you loved with you.

You were looking forward to having Anastacius, Jennette in the mansion. It was so going to be lovely with them

* * * * * * * * * * * *

People had gathered to show their enthusiasm to their new Duke whom was marrying thier beautiful strong Duchess Y/n.

Instead of a private party with only people of high titles she was walking in her wedding dress outside with her citizen smiling.

The kids all watched with sparks's in their eyes as they looked at the most beautiful woman they have ever seen in thier lives.

The women were surprised by the kindness she showed to them and the men only looked at her with respect.

She had started making that day a tradition in which all people of high titles celebrate along with the commoner.

The woman smiled when her husband kissed her cheek making her smile looking lovingly at him. He presses his lip on her infront of thousands of people watching.

They looked like the happiest couple ever but one of the people seemed to not be able to watch this without being in pain.

He had to come as the duchess was someone he worked along with and the new Duke was his brother whom he wanted to have a nice relationship with.

He came to congratulate them upon his daughter's request who was also happy seeing her role model marry the man that she loved.

Claude had a hand on his head as he repeated to himself that he never liked her and that she was just his friend and a toy to his success

But he couldn't

He would think of her laughter everytime he looked, the way she smiled at him. She would come to him with a tray filled with desserts that she wanted him to try

She would walk with him at night in nothing but her night gown where he could see her shoulder and cleavage very well.

Her soft voices when she comforted him and laughter when he didn't understand her humor sometimes.

The way they both understood each other when they looked at each others almost as if they had one mind.
She wasn't looking at him anymore, she was looking at his brother.

Despite the amount of things that his brother did she still chose him over him. He couldn't even question why as he knew that he wronged her.

He didn't deserve her, she deserves someone that won't leave her alone to the day that she dies. Someone that will give her the child that she has lost due to him.

Her being kind to all of those around her went to check up on him as he shook his head telling her that he was doing just fine but he wasn't.

The so magic that used to help him get rid of the feeling wasn't working. His heart was hurting so much and he decided to leave until she called him.

"What is it?"He asked
"Thank you for coming?"She said smilingly

When he went to his room, the first thing he did was throwing and breaking everything that reminded him of her.

"Is this how you felt when I married Diana?"He thought as he clutched the area where his chest was tightly onto his robe.

"It hurts"He says


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