Black magic

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"We are on boats today"You say
"I wanted you to be on the boat with me"Athanasia said
"Uhh huh"You replied uninterested and Elena elbowed you.

"I was yesterday hanging out with Elena and Elvis and this gemstone reminded me of you"You say handing her a box. You used magic to make the gemstone visible to her eyes
"That's so cool"Athanasia said

"It's nothing, I thank you for having me over again your highness"You said
"Don't call for me again"You thought.

You all finally get off the boat and the girls walked together around the garden and sat down for tea. Oh how you love the muffins that a certain maid bakes.

"Are you all attending the festival?"Jennette asks
"Oh, Definitely"Elena says as you painfully smiled
"It will be my first festival"Jennette said
"Us too"Elena giggles

"What is that?"Elena asks as all girl look at where she is looking. A giant dog comes running toward the desk

"oh my god what is that?"
"it is a beast?"
"Knight Felix do something"
"Protect the princess"

"Y/n come with me"Elena says and you shook your head it was dog. a simple dog no reason for you to be scared off.

"This is my animal companion Blackie he is very affectionate and gentle"Athanasia says
"Come here Blackie"You said as you petted it.
"Oh so docile"You said

"Isn't he? blackie may be big but he is such a sweet-"Athanasia paused as she lets out blood
"Oh shit"You mumbled

"Princess are you alright?"Jennette asked as she gets thrown away by a fierce mana to the side

This mana is too strong but not strong enough to throw you to the other side. You walked closer to Athanasia.

"I hope this won't damage me severely"You thought

"Y/N DONT EVEN TRY IT"Elvis yelled out

You ignored him as you channeled some of your mana all over Athanasia. Athanasia blacked out and so did you and fell on the ground with a thud


Claude went to the garden only to find you with Elena and Elvis helping you up while his daughter has already been taken by the maids.

"Where is she?"he asks
"Why are you here?"Elena asks crying
"She sacrificed herself for her highness and you dare to ask us about where she is when our lady is in this state"Elvis said

Some black markings are evident all over your body. Almost like tattoos but they were shinning and engulfed you surrounding a dark aura.

Claude calls the maids to tend you and he is surprised that he is worried about you just like he is worried about Athanasia.

"Please Leave us alone"Elvis said blocking him from entering the room as you were layed on the bed

Through ten days Princess Athanasia woke up just fine but you were still on bed with no sign of waking up. At somewhere else a boy frowns

"Your highness"Lily said
"Princess"Felix said smiling
"Is Lucas back? Is father okay?"Athanasia asked
"Yeah they are okay"Lily said

"What about my guests? Jennette? Y/n? Elena?"Athanasia asks
"She, Lady Y/n saved you"Felix says
"Don't tell me"Athanasia says getting off the bed
"You should rest your highness"Lily said

Elvis and Elena sat by your side worried counting days hoping you are gonna wake up just fine. The door opens as Elvis and Elena look at the door.

 【From the other side】Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora