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You turned to see Anastacius in his glory. It seems that the plan has worked. He has made his way in the castle but he needs to watch out especially with Lucas around.

(Through telepathy)

"Elvis"You call out
"Yes my lady"Elvis replied
"Anastacius has made his way in but I need your favor"You said
"Why what is it?"Elvis asked

"Lucaa knows the other side of him very well"You said
"So what do you want me to do?"Elvis said
"Warn the other side with your magic while I walk away from Anastacius"You said

"Okay" Elvis replied

"Y/n this is the second time you are blacking out is something wrong?"Lucas asks
"It's nothing" You said smiling

Lucas suspects you now. He watched as you walk ahead and he wonders what is it that makes you deep in thoughts.

"It's none of my business"Lucas mumbled following you but you ended seeing Ijekel

"Oh Ijekel?"You called
"Shhh follow me"Ijekel says grabbing your hand but Lucas holds onto your other hand.

You can feel your arms stretching as you stopped so did Ijekel feeling you stopping. Lucas and Ijekel exchange looks as you sigh. You opened the door next to you which lead to the libary.

"Hurry up"You said as you lead them in the library

They follow right after you as you leads them to a secret room. You then looked at Ijekel as he shows himself taking off the cap of his coat.

"What is it?"You ask despite knows what's actually happened.
"My father is not to blame for what happened"Ijekel says
"How do you explain what happened?"Lucas asks

"I am confused"You said
"His father brought His majesty's brother to the palace and had the audacity to ask for the throne"Lucas said

"But why is that bad?"You asked
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY IS THAT BAD?"Lucas yells out as you gets startled by his outburst

"I mean from what I heard of Anastcius was the rightful emperor untill he disappeared"You said
"He has used black magic"Lucas said
"So did his majesty"You added
"What?"Lucas said

"Whose side are you on?"Ijekel asked
"I am on no one's side but I wouldn't like both of them to be the emperor to be honest"You said shrugging

Ijekel and Lucas's hands went right to their mouth with sounds of shock in them. You glanced at both of them.

"What?"You replied
"You can't just say that"Lucas said
"My lady you would be in danger if anyone heard what you just said"Ijekel said you just shrugged

"So what do you want me to do?"Lucas said
"So here is the plan"Ijekel said as he relayed his plan to Lucas and you listened maybe you will benfit from it.

"Thank you for listening"Ijekel said
"It's nothing"Lucas said
"I will see you two then"Ijekel said he kissed your hand before leaving.

"Where were we?"Lucas said as you two left the place and it was already night time. You two had to go on your ways.

"Well I need to go the palace"Lucas said
"I understand you have got a job as the royal magician"You said.
"I will see you off"Lucas said

"You don't have to"You said

"But I would want to know if you went to the mansion safely"Lucas said
"Alright just so you would not bother me anymore"You said as you two went on carriage together

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