Chapter 2

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A few hours had passed since the call from the social worker, a few hours since they called her back to say that they had already discussed it and that the answer was yes. In less than two hours, both girls would arrive and they would be their responsibility. 

Carina was excited, she couldn't believe it was finally happening. After so much waiting, it was finally time. Maya was just as excited as her wife was but she couldn't help but be a little worried. Who are we kidding, she was freaking out inside. The firefighter was really trying to keep it together but she really needed to talk with someone about it and that someone couldn't be Carina 

The brunette noticed her wife's attitude and she confirmed something wasn't right when Maya told her she was going out for a run, but she didn't say anything. The Italian knew her wife and she knew she needed space. It wasn't a lie, Maya did go for a run and it was the first time it didn't help

As she run millions of thoughts about her life before hit her. She couldn't stop thinking about her father and about the things that now she recognizes as abuse. He was everything she didn't want to be but what if she couldn't help it. What if she's too broken to make this work...

Maya shook her head trying to get rid of those thoughts and after a few more minutes running she stopped at her friend's place 

"Maya? What are you doing here?" Andy asked puzzled by her friend's presence. They were close but they weren't the type of friends that hang out in each others houses 

"Can I come in?" She said and noticed how her friend stepped aside leaving room for her to pass "I'm going to have a kid... two actually" the blond said as she entered the house and walked towards the sofas. When she sat she finally faced her friend who looked at her surprised, lowering her gaze down to the blonde's stomach and then looking at Maya's eyes again   

"Yeah you are gonna have to walk me through on this one" Andy answered once she realized being pregnant wasn't what she meant 

"You know how Carina and I entered foster care a while ago?" she asked without really expecting an answer to which Andy just nodded. Of course she knew and remembered that but after Maya stopped talking about it she thought it was better to leave it alone. Maybe it didn't work out  "Today we got a call about two girls who need a place to stay. And I know what you're thinking, well that's amazing isn't it? And yes it is, but I can't help but think... What if I'm not ready for this? What if I'm terrible at it? What if I react badly to something stupid or worse, I don't know how to react? I know I'm not the same as my father, but what if I react like him sometime? You know that I can be very impulsive and I find it difficult to control my emotions more than I should" the blond said while Andy just listened to her "I'm sorry, I really needed someone to vent with" she said finally breathing 

"Maya, you are gonna be great at it" Andy said once Maya had finally stopped talking "Those girls are going to be very lucky to have you. There is no one who will take better care of them than you. You won't be perfect" she said earning a glare from the blue-eyed-woman "What? You won't but guess what? Nobody is, there is no parent in the world who has made everything perfect and that's fine. I already told you this once and I can repeat it to you again, being afraid to be like your dad is the first step to not being like him" Maya nodded remembering her friend's words "and I can tell by how worried you are about this that you don't have anything to worry about" she said giving the woman in front of her a reassuring smile "Also you are not alone, Carina is there... and you got us" 

"Actually, that is what I'm most scared about" Maya said trying to loosen up, earning a little punch on the shoulder  "You are right I can do this right?" she said more to herself than to her friend, she got this and when she didn't Carina was going to be there to hold her "Thank you"

"Yes you can, you guys are gonna do great" she said "Well, can I freak out now that I know I'm not only going to have one niece but two" she couldn't hold it anymore, she was going to be an auntie 

"Yes you can" she laughed. She was going to be a parent, the blond hadn't stopped to look at it that way "Fuck, I'm going to be a parent" she said surprised, if there's something she never thought she would say was that. She never saw herself as a parent, she just didn't have it in her.  

"Yes you are" Andy said chuckling at her friend's face "When are they arriving?" 

"Today actually, I have to go" she said in a rush starting to walk to the door but stopped before leaving, turned back and gave her friend a hug before leaving "Thank you again" she whispered. Andy was a little surprised, Maya was not the affectionate one but she smiled and hugged her back      

As she run home she checked her phone and cursed when she saw the missed calls from her wife "What were you thinking?" she said to herself. As she thought about the fastest way to get home she texted the brunette with a quick I'm on my way, love you and started running back. Once she got home, Maya was greeted by the arms of her wife who squeezed her in a hug followed by a kiss that neither of them wanted to end 

"Hey you are back" Carina said smiling "Everything okay?" she asked and her wife just smiled and nodded. She knew whatever it was that was going on in the blonde's head, she would tell her "Jennifer called a couple minutes ago, she said they'll be arriving in 30 minutes" 

"This is really happening" the firefighter said still not quite beliving what was going on 

"It is" the Italian woman said  

"I'm so nervous" Maya said almost as a whisper suddenly looking down feeling a little embarrassed. That feeling quickly washed away when she felt her wife's hand lifting her chin up softly  

"Me too" she said making the blue-eyed woman frown. She hadn't really thought about the fact that maybe her wife was nervous as well. Contrary to what Maya thought Carina was also very nervous but she tried to be calm so that the blonde wouldn't lose it "but we'll be okey" 

While they waited, they tried to prepare as much as possible for the arrival of the girls. The truth is that they did not know what to expect and the more the minutes passed the more anxious they got. It reassured them to think that everything was ready, it had been for months they only had to wait. Those 30 minutes were eternal but the wait ended when they heard the door 

"They are here"

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