Chapter 14

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"Let's go bella" Carina said calling for Luna from the flat's door "Go say bye to Emma and Maya" she said. Luna whom until now had been concentrating in a book, unaware of her surroundings, looked up and frowned 

"School?" she asked not really understanding why they were leaving earlier 

"Not today tesoro" the Italian explained "We are going to the doctor remember?" she said and Luna bit her lip feeling a little nervous. Carina noticed the sudden change in the girl's attitude, so she walked over to her and sat down next to her. "What's wrong love?" she asked, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Luna still without answering kept her gaze fixed on the book in front of her without paying much attention to it. She did not like the doctor, whenever she went they would ask her questions that she did not want to answer and everything became very overwhelming. 

"I don't like the doctor" the girl whispered finally looking at the brunette sat next to her 

"That's okay" she answered smiling at her "but we need to go to make sure everything's okay" she explained. The little girl wasn't convinced about that yet, she wasn't sick, she was fine "and... is going to be super quick, they are just going to check your chest and give you a proper cream for it" 

"That's it?" she asked looking at the brunette "you'll be there?" 

"I'll be there all the time" she said reassuring the girl and smile as Luna nodded "Now let's go" she said and Luna quickly stood up going to hug her sister and Maya 


"This must be little Luna" a woman with a white coat said smiling at the little girl that clung to Carina's hand. The Italian smiled and nodded "Well what brings you guys here?" she asked

"Well..." Carina started "My wife and I started fostering her a little over a month ago and we realized she has a large bruise on her chest" she explained and the doctor nodded. Luna was focused on the doctor's movements who was now doing a routine check-up "We were wondering if there's any cream that I can apply that would make her feel better"

"Let's see that bruise" she then said and Luna immediately looked at Carina asking for help. The woman was about to lift the girl's shirt but the the eight-year-old was't happy about that. She quickly looked at Carina making grabby hands at her feeling her anxiety start to kick in

"I'm right here bella" the brunette said holding one of the girl's hands having to stop herself from picking the girl up and whisper everything was fine 

"I'm sorry sweetheart" she said as she was finally able to look at the girl's chest "That looks painful" she said as she examined the bruised skin. Luna looked down at the woman's hand and winced when the woman added a little more pressure on where she was touching "Sorry" 

"It's okay" Luna whispered 

"Is it okay if I ask how did you get that bruise?" the doctor said and the little girl tensed. Carina was aware that wasn't something the girl was comfortable talking 

"Please, please sorry" a little brunette said running through the hallway of the second floor of the house "I didn't mean to" she begged sobbing searching for a place to hide but before she knew it she felt a big pull on her hair 

"You sould be sorry" the man said draging the girl to the room again "I'm going to teach you not get your hands in my stuff" he said with clear fury in his words 

"Please... Please" she said crying, begging for Mr. Smith to let go of her hair. 

That day they had been alone all day, he had left early in the morning for work and he usually didn't come back until late night so she thought it would be a good idea to go search for some food they could keep in the room while he was gone.

It was raining outside and it was cold so after she had the food Emma asked for a blanket. The thing is the only place with blankets in the house was Mr. Smith's room and they for sure weren't allowed there. 

Luna thought about it for few minutes, it wouldn't hurt if he didn't know right? so even though she knew she wasn't supposed to she went to the man's room and started going through the drawers looking for something warm to cover her sister. 

Suddenly a thunder rumbled through the house. A thunder so loud it made Luna shiver in fear. The sound caught her off guard making her jump at it. When she did she accidently moved the drawer making a framed photo fall from the top of it, breaking the frame in a thousand pieces

At this Luna panicked, she tried to hide the photo but there was no way Mr. Smith wouldn't notice. 

She was sitting in the room, Emma already asleep, just waiting when she heard the front door close. She heard the man going up the stairs and going into his room. Everything was quiet for a few minutes and she thought maybe he hadn't noticed, maybe she was safe... That's when a loud slam of the door was heard 

"Please..." she said almost as a whisper at this point and she doesn't remember anything from there. She she felt the man letting go of her hair but she also felt pain all over her body specificaly her chest. When she opened her eyes she saw she was at the bottom of the stairs with blood all over her face and arms   

"I would prefer you not to" Carina said looking at the eight year old that seem to be lost in her thoughts "We are working on it" Carina said refering to the girl opening up receiving a nod from the doctor as a response. As a doctor she had seen a few cases like this so she totaly understood 

"Well that's it" she said taking a few steps back from the girl "You can put your shirt down" she said. As soon as she was able to, Luna reached her arms towards Carina who was quick to pick her up "I'm going to give you a prescription for a cream" she said writing the prescription down "It's going to help her skin recover faster and of course the pain" the woman explained and the brunette nodded "Also, has she been experiencing nightmares, panic attacks, any of that?"

"Yes we have been dealing with that" the Italian answered

"Okay I would suggest you to book an appointment with a therapist, sometimes It can be hard for kids to open up so it might help" she said smiling "That would be it"

"Thank you so much" the brunette said smiling at the doctor starting to walk towards the door "Ready to go home bella?" she said softly to the child in her arms that was playing with one of the woman's strands of hair. The girl nodded holding tight to Carina with her free hand. She liked the comfort the brunette gave her it made her feel almost like she did with her mommy. She wanted that feeling to stay. 

On their way home, the brunette noticed the little girl had fallen asleep on the back sit of the car so she decided to give Maya a call and tell her how it went 

"Hi bella" Carina said to her wife. Maya smiled at the other side of the line even though she knew her wife couldn't see her "Are you busy right now?" she asked  

"No, not at all" she said sitting at her desk "How did everything go?" Maya asked worried about the eight year old, not only because of the bruise but also because she was now aware of how much pain the girl was hiding 

"It went fine" Carina said letting out a sigh "I mean, she was nervous all the time and she got a little lost when the doctor asked her how did she got it" she explained "she hasn't said a word since" the brunette commented looking through the mirror to make sure the kid was still asleep "She's sleeping now" she said and the line fell silent for a few minutes "She also told me we should book an appointment with a therapist"

"I think that would be good" Maya said walking around her office. At first she didn't liked the idea of a therapist, she was so against it a couple of years from now but know she really thought it was the best option "What do you think?"

"I think she needs it" Carina said pulling the car into the driveway "I mean if you had seen her... she looked so lost when the doctor asked and after that she wouldn't let go of me" she explained turning back to look at the sleeping child "she has so much to say... I just hope she will be able to"

"She will" the blonde said quickly "She's strong, she can make it through" she said without a doubt "I have to go now, but I will call you later" Maya said in a bit of a rush 

"Yeah I'm already at home" the brunette said getting out of the car, walking to the back sit door "I love you"

"I love you too"

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