Chapter 16

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"How's everything going Captain?" Ben said from the door of the blonde's office. They were almost at the end of the shift, all the calls had been pretty quiet making the station quite calm "How's motherhood treating you?" 

"Hi Warren, everything's fine" the firefighter answered turning to look at him "Quite well to be honest" she said letting a little laugh slip

"Glad to hear that" he said "Well Miranda and I are hosting a barbecue in our place this weekend and we would like you to come" he commented. They did this every once in a while as a way of disconect from the stress of their daily jobs "You can bring the girls, I'm sure Pru is going to love having someone to play with" 

As Maya was about to respond both of them heard the alarm go off making them both run quickly to the engine where they met the rest of the team. While they were going to the place Maya couldn't stop thinking that she knew this address but she could not realize where it was from, until they arrived at the place. 

Maya felt her stomach clench and her ears buzzed, they were at the girls' school. Most of the children were already outside the building waiting with their teachers for their parents to pick them up. In the distance Maya could see Luna's teacher but she didn't see the little girl anywhere

"Herrera you are in charge" she said suddenly knowing that it was the best for this case. Maya was in no condition to think like a firefighter, at this point she was thinking like a mom. 

"You heard her people move!" Andy said starting to give orders to her team "... Bishop, go check how many people do they think it's still inside the building" Andy said and Maya nodded starting to walk towards the teachers that were near her 

"Hi I'm Captain Maya Bishop, I need to know if there's anyone still in the building" she said swallowing her feelings, feeling her anxiety grow. 

"The kids were at recess when it happened but we made the best we could to keep them all safe" One of the teachers said "Christopher Robbins from fifth grade, Lucas Nicolas from second grade, Lucia Rivas and Olivia May from first grade, Luna Jones from third grade and Emma taylor from K5" That's when Maya's world just stopped and her vision became blurry "Those are the kids that are possibly still inside the building everyone else is out" 

"There's six kids possibly still inside the building ages five to ten" The blonde informed Andy who by the look on Maya's face could tell something was wrong "I need to go in" Maya said 

"You sure?" Andy said not really knowing if that was the best idea 

"You don't get it, I need to go in" she insisted making Andy nod. She knew Maya, and if there was something she was good at was her job

As they came into the building an intense smell made them took a step back, it was gas. There was a thick layer of smoke that made it almost imposible to see. All of them started searching through the classes finding three of the kids in no time curled in a corner. They kept walking until they heard a noise. It was the oldest kid who got locked into one of the classes, kicking the door desperate to be heard. Andy motioned for Gibson and Montgomery to go while they both searched for the last two kids.

Think Maya where would they hide the blond thought to herself. Okay, now, they were on recess, which means they were probably on the yard. No, too much people they wouldn't go there, so they were inside. A place inside where they could be alone when everything got loud... "The restroom" she then said strating to walk towards the school's restrooms being followed by Andy "Luna! Emma! are you here?" she said entering the place 

"Maya..." she heard a little voice whisper followed by some coughs. At that both women were quick to react and they both began opening the restroom's doors. 

Finally on the last cubicle they found them. Both girls where sat against the wall, knees on their chests. Luna had taken off her jacket giving it to her sister who tried to cover her mouth and nose from the horrible smell while the eight-year-old hid her face between her knees.  

"Mommy..." the five-year-old said weakly feeling the tears start to fall down her face. The firefighter didn't had time to process what she had just heard when the kid began coughing. At this she quickly took her mask off and placed it on the girl's face. When she looked over to Luna she realized Andy had it covered. The woman heard the eight-year-old's breaths were coming out as wheezes so she didn't hesitate to put her own mask on the girl's face.  

"You are okay, let's get out of here" 

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