Chapter 9

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"Morning bella" Carina said rolling over to her wife, placing her hands on her wife's hips giving her a quick kiss on the neck  

"Carina? I didn't hear you arrive last night" she said with a raspy voice, turning over as well kissing her wife on the lips   

"I know I'm sorry" she said as soon as they pulled apart. She apologized feeling bad that she didn't make it for dinner time "It took longer than expected and then I just got stuck with work" she said playing with one of Maya's strands of hair "Sorry I didn't call"

"It's okay, I figured" she said smiling trying to make her feel better "What time is it?" she asked changing the subject

"Almost 7" the blonde immediately frowned. What was Carina doing up this early? Carina chuckled at her wife's expression "I wanted to see you before I have to leave for work" she stated "How was your night?" 

"You have to leave? I can't stay" she said, thinking about the girls that slept on the other room. She wasn't sure that leaving them with someone they didn't know was a great idea "It was fine, Luna was a little... quiet though" she told her wife who nodded "We stayed up late waiting" the blonde started as a sad smile appeared on the brunette's face "she wanted you" 

"Si, but don't worry I'll take them with me" the brunette said referring as to where they could leave the girls for the day, she didn't had anything sheduled for today. So unless something comes up, then everything should be calm. They could stay with her "She did? She had a little breakdown yesterday" she said to which Maya looked at her and stayed quiet for her wife to keep talking "I don't know exactly what triggered it" the Italian commented "One minute she was fine and the other she was crying and couldn't breath" 

"Like the other day?" Maya asked remembering the first episode they presenced 

"Yes, almost 10 minutes passed before she actually calmed down, poor bambina" she said wishing she could do more for the little girl "I'll go wake them" she suddenly said starting to get up. The blonde, noticing this, sat up on the bed and grabbed her wife by the waist pulling her close "I'm gonna be late" she said when she felt Maya's lips tracing kisses from her shoulder to her neck 

"No you are not" she said smiling when she saw the Italian tilting her head to the side giving her more room "we have plenty of time" 


"Let's go change girls or we are going to be late" Carina said taking out some clothes from the closet and placing them over the bed. Both girls looked at Carina a little confused 

"Where 'we going?" the little five-year-old asked as she abruptly stopped playing with her teddys. Suddenly the girl's lip started to quiver and her eyes filled with tears "Back with Jennifer?" she asked barely making it without sobbing "I don't want to go back" she said trying her best to hold the tears in  

"You sending us back?" the older girl asked looking down not wanting to look at the woman in front of her knowing that if she did she would end up crying. She didn't remember doing anything wrong and Emma was behaving  

"What? No, of course not" the brunette answered mentally slapping herself seeing the state both girls were in "Come here" she said crouching down motioning for them to come closer "Neither Maya nor me would ever think about sending you back" she said softly wiping some tears of the toddler's face "you are not going anywhere anytime soon okay?" she said and the older girl let out a relief breath, even though she didn't said it this was the safest she has felt in a long time and she was glad they were staying a little longer "Now let's get ready or we are going to be late" she said standing up "you are going to work with me, because Maya can't stay today" 

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