Chapter 8 | A Statement

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⭐ Rafe's POV ⭐

I am not jealous. Period.

But...the anger coursing through my veins at the moment was something I never experienced before.

I never felt annoyed by Harris so much before. She's not my property, she can go talk, hang out with anyone she want but...

Ignoring the weird glances from my employees, I dragged Leona into my office and closing the door, backed her up against it.

Her eyes blazed with rage and she was only silent till now only because we were in public, but now I know hell is gonna break.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" Was the first thing she shouted. "Firstly you invite yourself in without our permission along with two others, secondly you kept annoying me and thirdly, you dragged--"

I cut her off by taking a step closer, grabbing both her arms and pinning them above her head; the tip of our noses touching. Her eyes widened and she gulped audibly at our close proximity.

My jaw clenched. "I forbid you to hangout with him from now on."

She cocked her head slightly as if challenging me. "And who the fuck are you to forbid me?"

"I'm your husband, Mrs Andrews." I stated firmly.

That made her scoff. "Husband?" And a slight smirk formed on her face. "I don't consider you my husband, you fucking idiot. You will never be my husband."

It shouldn't mean anything to me. It shouldn't hurt me but I couldn't help but feel the pang of hurt straight at my heart.

I slowly lowered her arms that I was pinning above her head and she took that opportunity to shove me back and she turned around to leave.

"You are my wife, Leona. And I am your husband. We are officially married!" I stated once again to prove my point.

She stopped and looked at me over her shoulder. "So what if we got married officially? You are not my husband, Rafe. I will never consider you that." And that was all she said before she walked out and I felt my heart getting shattered.

So what if she doesn't consider me her husband? I don't give a fuck about it.

I don't care.

I don't care.

I don't care.

I don't care.

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Why the fuck did I agree to marry her?

Oh yes, because I didn't have any other option.

I kicked my chair in frustration, cursing myself later because I hit it too hard and now my foot was paining.

Finally, I sat down and rubbed my foot while wondering whether I should call Westly or not.

You like her. Westly's words echoed in my mind and I scoffed to myself.

I don't like her. Why would I?

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I called.

The door slowly opened and Milly walked in with a soft smile playing on her lips. "Hey..."

I leaned back in my chair. "Hey."

"Are you okay?" She asked walking closer to me and leaning against my desk facing me.

I forced a small smile on my face. "Yeah...of course. I'm alright."

All of a sudden, she leaned forward and lifting her hand, gently brushed a strand of hair from my forehead.

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