Chapter 11 | Training

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⭐ Leona's POV⭐

I mentally groaned for the millionth time remembering how I hugged Rafe earlier that night. That was a dangerous thing to do, I shouldn't have done that because... reminded me of a small incident that happened seven years back.

I had forgot about it and everything related to it but now everything comes rushing back and my stomach churned with nervousness remembering if that thing happened with me again, then I will be in deep trouble and I don't know whether this time I will be able to get out of it or not without getting hurt badly.

I was brought out of my thoughts as the elevator dinged and I stepped inside his penthouse with him behind me.

He was making me nervous...he didn't even say anything till now yet I was feeling very nervous.

It's okay...I can deal with this...

Trying to avoid him for sometime, I promptly walked up to my room and shut the door, taking in a deep breath to calm myself down.

Since it was about bed time, I changed out of my dress and into my night dress and scrolled through my phone to distract myself before I go to his room.

Finally gathering some courage, I went to his room and as usual he was there, standing in front of the mirror and brushing his hair.

Silently, I walked over to my side of the bed and sat down on the edge of it when he asked, looking at me through the mirror. " are scared of butterflies?" And put down the hair brush.

I shrugged. "Yeah...I have a phobia of them...since always..."

"Hmm...but they are beautiful colourful and gorgeous..."

"So what if they are beautiful...", I said playing with my fingers, "it doesn't matter that all things that are beautiful on the outside, are the same on the inside..."

My lips itched to curl up in a smile. "Besides...someone once told me that if a man only loves you for your outer beauty then you should tell him to fuck off."

Rafe turned around and chuckled softly. "Hmm...sounds like an intelligent person..."

I got up and walked closer to him. "Actually, he's a complete idiot, but for the first time in his life he said something worth listening to."

He took a step closer, a smirk forming on his face. "You still remember it?"

I rolled my eyes, taking a step closer and smiled. "Of course I do. I don't have a bad memory."

He lifted his hand and gently brushed a strand of stray hair behind my ear, whispering softly, "Leona..." His eyes roamed my face, settling at my lips for a second.

There was this voice, somewhere deep inside, urging me to close the gap between us and kiss him, do what I have been craving for, for such a long time.

And I took a step closer as his palm cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing against my lower lip and for a fleeting moment, my eyes closed.

My stupid, fucking heart was chanting, "Please kiss me." Or, "Kiss him."

"Are you expecting a kiss, Mrs Andrews?" I heard him say, his tone laced with amusement.

My eyes snapped open and I took a step back as he smirked and I cursed at myself.

What the fuck just happened?

I turned around to walk towards the bed and he said, "You didn't answer my question, Leona." The way my name rolled off his tongue in a seductive way had me clenching my legs.

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