Chapter 15 | Torture

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⭐ Leona's POV ⭐

"You are coming to Australia? But why?"

"You sound disappointed by that information, daughter. Just some time ago you were begging me to take you away from there, now what happened?" Father spoke through the call.

"Um... nothing...I was just thinking why you are coming all of a sudden..."

I continued to say. "Father, have you solved the problem already? I mean do we have to end the contract before the four months are over?"

"Why do I feel that you are going to be very sad if the contract ends soon?"

Maybe I was. I don't know why.

"I am not! I am just asking you!" I lied.

"Okay, okay. No, the problem isn't solved yet but do you really want to come back here?"

"What are trying to say, father? I don't understand."

"What I am trying to say is...have you fallen in love with Rafe, daughter?"

In love. With Rafe.

My cheeks started to warm up at that thought. "No! Of course not. Why will I fall in love with him!"

"I was just wondering that since you guys have been living together for more than two months now, maybe you have fallen in love with each other."

"Please, don't be ridiculous. No one is in love with anyone."

"Hmm... that's sad..."

My mouth fell open. "What? Do you want us to fall in love or what?"

He cleared his throat. "Well... that's what usually happens in Romance Novels...all those I have read..."

"Then please stop reading them, okay? Or else I will burn down your library."

"You wouldn't do that!" He sounded scared by my threat.

"Then please stop hoping that we will fall in love and all that shit." I rolled my eyes and he sighed.

"Okay, fine." And then his voice turned serious. "And...I talked to Isaiah the other day about this situation with his son, Carl."

I scoffed. "As if he would help us."

"He did try to. He has been trying to make his son understand but he's just as if he has gone insane."

"And you are insane for thinking that he would help us instead of his son. Wasn't he your rival?"

"He was. But he has changed a long time back, he realised his mistakes. And he asked for my forgiveness too and I forgave him and we are friends now. As for his son, he is against his ideas and hence he has been trying to help us." Father explained making me roll my eyes.

"Fine, fine. If that's what you think..."

"Hmm. By the way, I'll be there day after tomorrow, I'll see you then. Bye, take care."

"Bye...I will see you soon." And I ended the call, laying down on the bed on my back.

My mind started to replay last night's incident and I blushed hard. He was going to kiss me, I guess...maybe...or maybe not.

And then since last night, he hardly said anything.

What is going on even? Why is this so confusing?

Why is he making my heart beat faster?

A Sky Full Of Stars (#5)Where stories live. Discover now