Chapter 13 | Flashback

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⭐ Leona's POV ⭐

I could hardly sleep that night as Rafe's words kept echoing in my mind.

"And for the next four months, you will remain my wife. You will remain mine and no one, not even your best friend can take you away from me."

"You are stuck with me for four more months, baby. And I am going to enjoy every minute of it."

What did he even mean by enjoying every minute of it? What is he going to do?

My brain thought it would be a really nice time to give me some wild suggestions on what he will be doing with me which made my cheeks go red.

Stop it!

I turned around in the bed and my breath hitched coming face to face with Rafe's sleeping form.

Unconsciously, he had shifted closer to my side facing me and his face a lot closer to mine as he slept, lying on his stomach, strands of his hair falling on his forehead and a frown etched on his face.

My fingers itched to touch him, once. Just once. To brush away the hair from his forehead in order to get a better look at him.

Slowly, I lifted my hand and cautiously brought it closer to his face. Then very gently, brushed away the hair from his forehead.

Noticing the lines of worry on his forehead, I carefully and gently smoothed them down. But it was of no use as he was back to frowning in a second and his nose scrunched up too for being disturbed.

I bit my lips to stop myself from chuckling.

I then brushed my fingers over his cheek which seemed to disturb him as he groaned and instantly retracted my hand fearing he would wake up and instance.

He turned around and laid on his back instead which scared me cause I thought he was waking up and I quickly shifted back which I shouldn't have because I fell down on the floor and a loud yelp escaped my mouth.


That caused Rafe to wake up and sprang up straight. "What happened? Is the house on fire? Or someone died?"

Then there was a pause. "Leona? Leona? Where are you?"

"I am on the floor, idiot!" I groaned loudly and he crawled to the edge of the bed and seeing me on the floor, bursted into laughter making me pout angrily.

"You are such a kid!" He laughed, falling back on the bed holding his stomach.

I sat up straight and glared at him. "I am not a kid! Can't adults also fall down from a bed while sleeping?"

"Yeah, whatever...", he said as his laughter subsided and he got up, wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes. "Now go to sleep. And by the way, thanks for being stupid and making me laugh."

"Rafe Hanzall Andrews! I fucking hate you!"

You don't. A voice whispered inside my head and I shut it off immediately.

"Yeah, yeah...I hate you too, kid. Goodnight."


I was in my office, late in the afternoon the next day, reading through one of the files when my office door was opened slowly and someone's back came in view.

I frowned when I recognised that it was Harris as he was being cautious and looked around outside, his back towards me and then he entered, closing the door quickly behind him.

Once inside, he let out a deep breath.

"Whom are you running from?" I asked amusingly.

He rolled his eyes and walked towards my desk. "Your husband because if he sees me coming here, he is going to kill me now."

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