Chapter 22 | Our Home

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⭐ Rafe's POV ⭐

I love her.

I have said it before also but it just doesn't feel enough.

I want to declare my feelings, first to her and then to the whole world so that everybody knows about my love for her and that she's mine.

Wrapping my arm around her shoulder, I pulled her closer to me and placed a kiss on top of her head making her glance up at me with a soft smile on her lips.

She leaned closer to me as we walked together. "Why didn't you become a cricketer?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Because...I didn't want to." I replied in a duh tone.

"No, I mean...your parents, they both were cricketers, they both were actually the captain of their respective teams. And even both your grandfather's were cricketers...your sister is a cricketer...why not you?"

I looked down at her. "Seriously? If everyone in my family was a cricketer that doesn't mean that I also have to be a cricketer."

"That's not what I meant...what I think don't know how to play cricket properly, that's why." She grinned wickedly.

I frowned at her. "That's not true! I know how to play cricket, it runs in my blood. But I didn't want to be a cricketer. Growing up, I just got inspired by uncle Matt, his company, and how managed it and all."

"And how did you father feel when he got to know that his son got inspired by his best friend instead of him?"

I chuckled remembering that. "Well, he was pissed off and he even argued with uncle Matt about how being a cricketer is better than being a businessman."

"I'm not surprised at all..." She chuckled softly, the sound of her laughter making my heart skip a beat.

I gazed down at her lovingly, how can someone be so perfect and how can someone so perfect be mine?

My eyes trailed down to her neck where a number of hickeys which I gave her last night were visible as they disappeared under her t shirt.

I bit my lips remembering how she also gave me a few hickeys over my neck which I am sure were visible but there was no one here to see them and even if they did, I don't fucking care.

She noticed me staring at her neck and she blushed and cleared her throat. "Um..."

"Yes, baby?"

She smiled sheepishly. "I'm exhausted...can we rest for a while?"

Shaking my head, I chuckled. "Of course..."

She grinned and set her bag down on the ground and searched through it looking for a sheet to spread on the ground so that we can lay down for a while.

Meanwhile, I excused myself and walked towards the river cause I wanted to wash my face and hands.

I can't wait to go back home and have a proper bath. Not that we didn't bath since we came here...we did... in the river. One at a time, respecting each other's privacy.

As I was done, I got up to go back to Leona when I heard her scream. "Rafe!"

I quickly ran towards the direction where I heard her scream.

There she was, lying on the sheet that she has spread, on her stomach, curled up in a ball and her hands over her head as if protecting it from something.

I went near her and crouched down, gently placing my hand over her back. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She just pointed upwards and I saw a single butterfly flying near her.

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