Chapter 17 | Just For Tonight

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What if I told you all...that this book only has 23 chapters and an epilogue...?

By the way, next update will be when I wake up... hopefully around 10am IST...or a little earlier or late, it depends...

⭐ Rafe's POV ⭐

If she dies, it's not my responsibility.

I didn't want to bring her along, what if something happens to her? I won't be able to forgive myself.

But she managed to convince everyone to let her go and I hardly talked to her for the whole week because I was angry at myself for taking her somewhere I know it will be dangerous and secondly I was angry at her for being stubborn.

Why does she never listen to me?

I took a deep breath as the elevator opened at the top of a skyscraper, in Queensland where a helicopter was waiting for us, and right before it stood Carl with a smile on his lips which widened on seeing us.

Leona and I carried our respective bags, loaded with all the things we would be needing along with our guns.

I was dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a pale blue t shirt while Leona wore leggings and a t shirt too.

I took her hand in mine and we walked towards him.

"Welcome! Welcome!" He exclaimed as we reached him and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

In his hand was a roll of paper which he extended towards us and I took it from him to see that it was the map, indicating the location where the pendrive was.

Fortunately, I used to love geography and for the past one week, I learnt all I could about how to read a map correctly.

My eyes scanned the map once before I folded it and placed it inside my pocket securely.

"Let's go, shall we?" He asked, his eyes fixed on Leona.

I grabbed her arm again and walking past him, helped Leona get inside the helicopter and got in after her as he followed behind us.

I grabbed the headphones and made her wear it myself, adjusting it on her head and then wore mine, sitting beside her and Carl sat opposite to us just as the helicopter started.

I leaned back in the seat, my hand still holding hers.

Carl's gaze lingered on our joined hands, a smirk forming on his lips. "Hold her as long as you want now, in the end, she will be mine."

My jaw clenched and before I could open my mouth to curse at him, Leona beat me to it. "Listen here, you motherfucker! I am not marrying you, I won't be yours, ever! I would rather stay married to him for the rest of my life than being near you for even a second."


I did a mental victory dance on hearing her say that she would rather stay married to me than being near him.

Carl's eyes widened on hearing her curse but he soon covered his shock and sat back quietly.

Leona scoffed and turned her head away from him and gazed outside and my thumb started to rub circles on the back of her palm involuntarily.

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