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Where did he go?

I decided to wait again for some time but was eventually bothered when he didn't come back even after 10 minutes.

So I just decided to go and check up on him.

I wore my slippers and walked to the bathroom before knocking on the door, since he could be there, but found it empty.

I walked out of the room going to the kitchen but it was empty as well.

I then decided to check his office room since he have spent some nights there and he could be there this time as well.

I stood in front of the room as I saw some lights coming out indicating he's in there.

I opened the door and looked inside as I found Taehyung sitting on the chair with his head resting back.

"Taehyung ssi?" I spoke, walking toward him after closing the door but he didn't say anything.

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" I asked him as I stood beside him.

He straightened his head as he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him but this time he pulled my hand and I accidentally landed on his lap.

He didn't say anything but just kept his head on my chest, keeping one of his hand on my waist and the other playing with my hand and fingers but eventually intertwined our fingers together.

I didn't say anything to him as I let him be close to me. But soon felt wetness on my shirt as I heard a sniffle from him.

Is he crying?


"We didn't get the deal." He said as I frowned.

"Appa is so disappointed in me. I failed him and I failed his company." He said holding my hand more tightly as my other hand made its way to his back.

"Everything he did for me in all these years and I couldn't get one important deal for his company. I tried my best y/n ah but I couldn't do much for appa." he spoke as I heard him sobbing this time.

"I even failed you. I treated you so badly and yet I couldn't make it up to you for treating you like shit. I know I hurted you but I was hurt as well." I kept my hand on his back trying to comfort but he just bursted out in tears as he started sobbing a bit louder.

"I was so stressed because of work. So stressed that I became selfish enough to forget you and work like a crazy. But that night when you came and slept in this room, I knew I had to make it up to you." He said burying his face in the crook of my neck pushing himself further as he just wanted to hide from this world.

"I wanted to get the deal so that I wouldnt disappoint you or our family but I literally failed everyone. I failed to be a good husband. I failed to be a good son. I'm not even a good human being. Why am I like this? I wish that was someone else as appa Eomma's son. Someone else as your husband. Someone who wouldn't be a disappointment." He said hugging me tightly as he gently let go off my hand.

Why does think like that of himself? He's such a perfect man to me.

"All I did was treating you coldly but you never complain and bear with me always. I'm so sorry I failed to be a good husband. I'm really sorry I failed to be the person everyone wish and wanted me to be. I'm such a failure in life.
Please forgive me." He hugged me tightly sobbing loudly as I looked his face which was already red and wet due to his crys.

I rubbed his back with my hand as the other one massaged his hairs.

He just kept his face in my neck and cried.

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