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Maddox was on my case the moment I opened my damp eyes. The lid was off the window showing the serenity of the clouds and the stunning morning light.

"You were crying while you were sleeping."

"Shove that pillow again, we have one hour left."

"Bonz, get your feet off of mine, you got some hulk feet."

"Can you just shut up?" I snapped at him while rubbing my eyes slightly to get rid of my sleepiness.

Maddox's grey eyes were brighter when the morning light shone on him, it was like a fallen angel but in his case, he was no fallen angel and more of a fallen devil. He had his usual smirk on with dishevelled hair, I didn't know how he managed to still have his charisma intact.

Before he could make another snide comment, the waitress came to ask us about having breakfast but ofcourse, Maddox had to butt in again.

"I want a whole meal of you," he winked at her when he said that and the waitress turnt betroot red.

"I want to have a cheese omlette now," I interrupted with a glare and that seemed to capture Maddox's attention, he raised an eyebrow amusingly at me when the waitress gave me a glare back and went off to get my order.

"Spunk is getting jealous, I can get used to that," Maddox commented and I wanted to facepalm at his shallowness.

"If we are gonna be fake engaged, you can't be flirting or you will blow our cover," I retaliated and his victory smile seemed to get bigger than his ego.

"Since when do you care about the engagement?" He asked in pure surprise and I just groaned putting my head against the window until my precious omlette arrived.

I ate like a mad woman with Maddox picking at my food with his hand. I wasn't sure where he placed his hand at night but I was too hungry to care or fight him off.

We are about to board off in half an hour, place on your seatbelts please and make sure no items are left behind.

The announcement was made and I was relieved to get off the plane. I felt kind of nervous at the fact that Charlie was right in front of our seats but he couldn't hear us thankfully because he was busy planning our destruction.

I patted my fake blown stomach after the delicious omlette and Maddox went undercover again once the plane thudded to a stop. He placed his thick hat on and wrapped the scarf around his face only showing his eyes. I placed my own scarf on my mouth and wrapped my hair in a fresh bun.

"Let's go, I will take the stuff." Maddox went back to serious mode as his eyes calculated the whole escape route out of the plane.

The moment Maddox stood up, his scarf slid off and my heart dropped when Charlie was about to turn around but we managed just fine in the slight second because Maddox seemed to have strong reflexes with covering his face by our bags.

"Do I have to tell you what to do?" Charlie instructed the agent beside him. Their voices were down to whispers but I shoved my ear in the middle of their seats.

"I will call the waitress and plan the whole Bailey and Alexander ceremony." My face paled at his statement and Maddox sat back down with our bags on his lap, re-wrapping his scarf.

"Maddox, we have to hurry out, Charlie will let the waitress announce our names," I panicked, "we need to run for it."

"Listen to me, Bonnie," he calmed me down, "pretend that you are about to give birth and you fainted, I will tell the lady on the other side to tell the flight attendants to pass us through, just trust me on this one." He finished and I nodded frantically.

I let out a scream and Maddox's face hid on my chest making me uncomfortable but he had to lift me up to hide his face. The plan seemed to work as the whole attendants seemed to notice that I was pregnant.

"Please make space for the pregnant lady." the captain announced through the speakers as the people got back to their seats so we could go. Maddox kept his face down at me, his breath mingled with mine as our eyes intertwined in peace when he was almost to the exit door but one voice stopped us.

"I knew you were here." It was Charlie's voice but much to our luck, the people were crowding in on them and Maddox managed to run with me in his arms and our two bags on his tight muscles.

Once we reached in the German Airlines airport, Maddox let me down and people seemed to be confused at how I was pregnant and running.

I was officially a super, demented pregnant girl.

Maddox held my hand and I didn't know why I got those sharp tingles again on my sides, whenever he held my hand, I was calm and I had no clue why.

There was no time for my thoughts, Charlie was hot on our trail and we had to change plans from Maddox's agent car to a taxi.

"That was close," Maddox was out of breath when he took the scarf off and his hat, "take us to the Berlin Hotel."

The taxi driver didn't take the hint and it seemed like he only knew German so I came to the rescue.

"Bringen Sie uns zu Berlin Hotel." I spoke and the driver nodded starting to drive. I took off my scarf and laid back on the taxi seat.

"How the fuck do you know German?" Maddox asked when we were on the road.

"We traveled to Germany a lot," I replied, "my brothers loved Berlin a lot." I added somberly as my heartbeat increased at the thought of them. I missed them so much and I wished they were here to hug me.

"Uhm, nice." Instead, I got a total Maddox reply.

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