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Author's Note: Videos for characters canon and original, can be found on my Youtube channel via the link on my profile.



"I think this is a really bad idea," Deanna Monroe said, surveying Alexis over the top of her steepled fingers.

Alexis glanced around the room, taking in its quiet splendour, the oak-panelled walls and antique furniture, before dismissing it all, pushing her blonde hair back out of her face, revealing the black eye Pete had so kindly bestowed upon her. Her piercing gaze met Deanna's head-on, forcing the older woman to look away, uncharacteristically capitulating to the younger, surprising Alexis slightly despite herself.

"You're not going to be dissuaded, are you?" Deanna said, twisting her wedding ring around her finger.

"I know what I'm doing," Alexis said quietly, "it's not like I haven't been out there before."

"But look what happened last time" -

- "I trust Aaron," Alexis said, cutting across her.

"And you trusted Earle," Deanna said, finally looking at her.

Alexis studied the other woman for a long moment. "You think I'm just a shit-stirrer, don't you?" she said, her voice shaking. "Rocking the boat" -

- "I exiled Earle for what he did," Deanna said, standing up, "and his so called buddies for daring to back him up, trying to justify his sins as though I was the one at fault, that I didn't understand. But I understood alright." She exhaled sharply, her gaze drifting to the window, dwelling on the church steeple, the embodiment of all she held sacred; safety, security, survival. "The situation with Pete is a whole different ball game," she then said, her eyes meeting Alexis's again. "Whether I like it or not, we need him - Alexandria needs him."

"Look what he did to me, Deanna," Alexis snapped, "look what he's doing to my sister on an almost daily basis. Somebody has to stop him - I've tried and failed too many times, and I'm sick of it - I'm sick of being unable to protect my own family" -

- "Which is why I'm giving you permission to go out with Aaron," Deanna said, sitting down again. "It'll give everyone a chance to calm down and let the dust settle, and when you come back, maybe we can sit down and talk about the situation in a civil manner, yes?" She raised her unplucked eyebrows at Alexis, arrogantly expecting Alexis's unequivocal acquiescence to the arrangement.

Alexis bit her lip, before nodding, hating herself for being a hypocrite.

"Well, off you go," Deanna said, gesturing to the door with a theatrical flourish, "and watch your back out there beyond the walls - be goddamn safe."

"I'll be safer out there than in here," Alexis said before she could stop herself, slamming the door behind her.


Jessie stacked the tins on the shelf in alphabetical order, more for the distraction than anything else. After her husband had attacked Alexis, her sister taking the blows meant for her, Alexis had moved out and in with Aaron and Eric, refusing point blank to live under the same roof as Pete anymore. And now Alexis was once again leaving the shelter of the Safe Zone's walls for the wilderness outside, she and Aaron searching for what Deanna classed as 'suitable' survivors to strengthen their community.

She picked up a can of Crazy Cheese, turning it over in her shaking hands, her vision blurring as the tears threatened to overwhelm her again. Alexis was her baby sister, the only family she had left apart from her husband and sons, but she couldn't choose between them. Deanna might tolerate Pete for the sake of Alexandria, but for Jessie it went beyond that. She didn't want her boys to grow up without a father, but that was the ultimatum Alexis was putting before her.

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now