This Town Was Meant For Passing Through

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This Town Was Meant For Passing Through

But you always hold your head up high
Cause it's a long, long, long way down
This town was meant for passing through
But it ain't nothing new...

As Alexis headed back towards Alexandria, it was only to slow down at the sight of a familiar cowboy-hatted figure disappearing into the trees. Cursing, she ran after Carl, her feet pounding over the ground. "What the hell are you doing out here?" she yelled, making Carl whirl around, his face colouring hotly at being caught sneaking out.

"Back off," he said, recovering himself, "you're not my mother."

"I don't think I'm old enough for starters," Alexis retorted, "now what's the story, cowboy?"

Carl just ignored Alexis, heading back in the direction of the gate, Alexis taking off after him again, not believing what she was seeing. Although she was more aware of the world outwith the walls than the average Alexandrian resident, she was still naive enough to believe a teenage boy was incapable of surviving out here for more than five minutes, even if the evidence proving otherwise was standing right in front of her. The ratio was simple, he was a child, she was the adult, and that meant making sure he reached the gate alive.

"Wait up!" Alexis hissed, pulling out her machete as she moved. "You're going to get yourself goddamn killed!"

"I can handle myself," Carl fired over his shoulder at her.

"I don't think so," Alexis spat, "now get your spotty ass back here!"

Carl slowed to a stop, his lips twitching despite himself. "I said I can handle myself," he said almost reasonably. "My dad made sure I could."

"Why are you out here?" Alexis demanded, dismissing these pieces of trivia.

Carl studied her for a moment, instantly deciding not to tell her about Enid, sensing she would throw a fit. After seeing Enid climb the wall earlier, Carl had followed her into the surrounding woods, only for Enid to seemingly disappear into thin air. But somehow it didn't matter, Carl only aware of an odd calm descending upon him; that the walls no longer had the power to cage him in. Still filled with this strange sense of freedom, Carl coolly surveyed Alexis, not allowing her to take this from him. "You aren't what I thought you were," he said quietly, startling her. "You're... more."

Alexis had a sudden flashback to the barn, when Carl had handed her the spoon, pity in his eyes for her plight. "More or less, I don't care," she spat, "now get your ass into gear!"

Carl eyed her blood-splattered appearance with mild interest before turning and continuing his trek in the direction of the gate. "Walkers?" he said as Alexis fell into step beside him.

"We call them roamers," Alexis said, "but yeah, there was a run-in."

Carl just nodded, the next few minutes passing in silence, only for him to freeze at the sight of his father up ahead, Alexis stumbling to a stop beside him. "Dad?" Carl said, stepping forwards.

"What the hell, Carl!?" Rick snapped. "Did you brin' him out here!?" he demanded, rounding on Alexis, making her take a step back.

"No, I damned didn't!" she retorted, only for Rick's head to snap up at the sound of Walkers, three of them rounding the side of the ruined house before him.

"With me!" Rick ordered, pulling out his knife, Carl his machete, Alexis nervously following their example, remembering how she'd screwed up minutes earlier with the others.

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now