Paper Prince

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Paper Prince


Alexis raised her aching head, finally daring to glance over her shoulder, only to see everyone else slow to a halt, her feet following their example. Pushing the greasy dark hair out of his eyes, the Asian man gestured to the crowd of roamers shuffling towards them, dangerously close now, enough for Alexis to see their ravaged faces and bared teeth. Her hand instinctively reached for her machete, only for the man to swing round, cocking his gun in the direction of her head again. Alexis froze, remembering too late her machete was gone, her arm falling almost stupidly to her side. He contemplated her for a moment, tilting his head again, his eyes oddly empty, before turning back to the others.

"To the bridge," he said abruptly, before striding forwards, forcing Alexis to start walking again.

"Rick" -

- "I said to the bridge," he snapped, losing all measure of self-control, "now!"

For a moment, mutiny was in the air, and then it was gone, the others resuming their slow stumble again. Time stumbled with them, the bridge beginning to loom near, Alexis's heart sinking with every step she took towards it, feeling the man's stare boring into her back again. Rick. It didn't fit the picture he presented, the civilization present in those several syllables sitting at odds with the savagery of his soul. Rick was the name of guys with freshly ironed shirts that strained at the stomach, the kind that sat on their porches during the long summer evenings, putting the world to rights over a cold beer or two.

Pete was one of those men, holding barbecues for the neighbourhood whilst battering his wife behind closed doors, sporting a smile whilst Jessie sported a black eye, their life a web of lies and deception that deceived nobody. Pete had broken her family, whilst Rick would ensure she'd never return to its remnants. She had failed to save her sister, and she would fail to save these people, all because one single man stood in her way. Her fists clenched uselessly by her sides, the gesture noted and recorded by Rick, making his jaw tighten, his gaze then travelling over the rest of her, taking her in from top to toe, trying and failing to work her out again.

There was no avarice in his eyes, only an empty coldness slowly becoming filled with a bitter distance. She had denied being a honey-trap, but what else would she be with that face and those long limbs? She was a front for something bigger, luring them onto the rocks by lowering their guard. But he hadn't fallen for the bait, pre-empting any possible attack by taking her hostage. Yet as he studied the fall of her golden hair, he sensed they were still on the edge of war, merely awaiting the enemy to come out into the open. It was only a matter of time before blood would be shed, and it wasn't going to be his or his kin's.

With gritted teeth, he directed Carl with Judith balanced on his hip, Noah, Father Gabriel and Eugene to the other side of the bridge, jerking his head at Carol, Tara and Rosita to follow, before turning to the others, his gaze falling on Alexis again. She stood there, her face a carefully blank mask, contrasting with her blazing blue eyes. Behind her, the others formed a makeshift line, the roamers almost echoing their stance, all that the living would become.

"What ab't our guest?" Abraham asked, making Alexis glance up, surprise spoiling the stillness of her features. He glanced at her in return, almost appraisingly, making her spine stiffen, reminding her of Earle, the way he used to look at her like she was a prize already won. There was no threat in Abraham's gaze, only a discreet admiration, but it was enough to recall a past she'd rather not remember.

"She can take her chances with the rest of us," Rick growled, striking a stance, his hand on the hilt of his machete.

"But she doesn't have a weapon," Maggie said quietly, gesturing to the pile of belongings they'd taken from Alexis.

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now