The Fire Running Through My Veins

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The Fire Running Through My Veins


Slowing to a stop, Alexis forced herself to face Deanna, the blood still boiling through her veins. "Yes?" she said through gritted teeth, struggling to keep her voice steady, Deanna raising an eyebrow at her response.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave my house, Alexis," Deanna said coldly, glancing over at where Michonne was dabbing uselessly at Rick's soaking shirt, Rick holding his arms aloft, looking resigned to his ruin.

"Fine, you'd be doing me a favour" -

-"Well, you've really gone and done it now, haven't you, Peaches?" Pamela declared as she came over, knocking back her own glass of Scotch with a well-practised flick of the wrist.

"Pamela, I would really like your opinion on the new dining table we got the other day," Reg said deferentially, suddenly appearing at Pamela's elbow out of thin air, "we swapped it over from one of the other houses but I'm not sure it's working. Deanna deems it perfect, but I think it's crowding us out. I think we could really benefit from an expert eye."

"Well, all my friends say I have exquisite taste," Pamela drawled, "so if you fetch me another drink, Reggie, I'm all yours."

"Lead the way, my lady," Reg almost but not quite flirted, gallantly gesturing her to go first, Pamela sweeping him a curtsey before obliging.

"Thank you," Deanna mouthed at Reg, who pretended to tip an imaginary hat at her, before following Pamela into the throng. "Spencer," she then called, seeing her son appearing in the doorway, unaware of the drama unfolding, "would you come here, please?"

"What's up?" Spencer asked as he came over, glancing around with some confusion at the shocked stares being aimed in Alexis's direction, everybody talking behind their hands, the music having now been switched off.

"Could you escort Alexis home?" Deanna said, struggling to keep her voice civil. "She's a little upset."

Spencer studied Alexis for a moment, holding her mutinous gaze for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders. "Sure," he said with a frown, glancing over his shoulder at Rick, his brow furrowing further at the sight of Rick's sodden shirt.

"Now?" Deanna prompted.


And I feel it running through my veins
And I need that fire just to know that I'm awake
Erased, I missed till the break of day
And I need that fire just to know that I'm awake...

"You don't need to walk me home," Alexis said as they went down the sidewalk. "I'll be fine from here."

"Trying to make a getaway huh?" Spencer said with a smile, but there was hurt in his eyes, hurt that made Alexis uncomfortable. Ever since Spencer had asked her to the party, she now actively wanted to avoid him, not liking the way he was beginning to look at her, as if all his heart's desires hinged on her slightest word. He was Holly's, whether he wanted to or not, disastrous desire constantly drawing them back together, Alexis naturally having no inclination come between her best friend and Spencer.

"I'd rather be alone," Alexis said tiredly, "it's been a long day."

"That why you threw a drink over our resident sheriff?" Spencer said astutely, having made his own deductions. "Was he really such a shitty date?"

"He wasn't my date."

"That's not what I heard," Spencer said, shrugging his shoulders again, "but who am I to listen to idle gossip?"

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