Gods & Monsters

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Gods & Monsters

"You really substitute apple sauce for eggs?" Jessie asked curiously as she led Carol into the pantry, Olivia glancing up from her spreadsheets, still secretly stinging over Sasha's failure to bring back meat.

"That sounds like something that could change my life," Olivia remarked, getting to her feet.

"I'd really appreciate it if you kept it just between us girls," Carol simpered, "it's kind of a trade secret."

"Sure," Jessie smiled, before turning away, Carol catching a glimpse of an owl tattoo on her shoulder, her forearm bearing the marks of faint bruises, the sight making Carol's jaw tighten, striking too close to home.

"What do you need apple sauce for anyways?" Olivia asked as Jessie handed over two jars to Carol, who took them, handling them like they were rare diamonds.

"I'm making cookies," Carol chirped. "Like proper home-baked cookies, not the manufactured rubbish I hear Deanna's handing round."

"I don't hear my son complaining," Jessie smiled again, straightening the row of jars. She should have really been at home, but she used the pantry as a refuge from Pete, unaware he had been looking for her there that morning, assaulting Alexis instead.

"If you're needing chocolate, there's a trick," Olivia said, biting her lip.

"You actually have it?" Carol said, feigning shock.

"I can only ration you a quarter bar," Olivia said, leading the way out of the pantry, Carol following, swaying her hips on cue as Tobin came into the hall.

"I'll make it work," Carol said, darting a coquettish glance at Tobin from under her lashes, as if all she wanted from life was a big burly man to save her from it.

"Hey, Olivia," Tobin said, flustered, "I'm here to make a withdrawal."

"Late start?"

"Boss lady wants me to check that strut of the east wall before the party," Tobin explained, daring another glance at Carol, who demurely looked away.

"Head on back," Olivia said, waving him through. "Carol, the chocolate's in the hall freezer," she said over her shoulder to Carol as she followed Tobin. "Just grab what you need."

Carol did so, feeling like a spanner had been thrown in the works, biting her tongue before wandering nervously into the armoury, Olivia and Tobin glancing up as she came in, Carol shrinking into herself.

"You afraid of guns, ma'am?" Tobin asked, brow creasing in concern.

"Rick took me out this morning," Carol explained, shoulders hunching slightly as she glanced around her, noting the window's position, "but I got so scared I had to come back in."

"Well," Tobin said awkwardly, ruffling up his thinning hair, "if... if you wanted, I'd be happy to help you out with gunlore and whatnot."

"That would be nice," Carol smiled, ducking her head. "Thank you... Tobin."

Tobin just nodded, before turning his back on her, hiding his furious blush, another fool falling into Carol's trap.


Rick paced the porch, rumpling up his carefully combed hair, half wishing he was back at the house where the delicious smell of baking was filling the air. He had taken a quick shower, deliberating over what he should wear to the party, feeling like a fool as he did, as if all he had to worry about was his appearance, acting as though the apocalypse had never happened. He was becoming infected by Alexandria, succumbing to its shallowness, but as the back door opened, Rick realised with a sudden stab to his heart he would put up with a lot worse to be around Alexis, the sight of her slow smile striking him like a physical blow.

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now