Chapter 1 The Cruelty of Who You are

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"I swear, he literally did it on purpose. There was no way he didn't know I was in the room. The door was open." Jasmine, Jordan's best friend, threw her skinny arms in the air, Jordan's eyes followed the movement of the long, pointy acrylic nails. Surely, they would scratch this fellow's eyes out, but Jasmine wasn't violent, fortunately.

Jasmine, not realizing Jordan zoned out, just began to keep rambling about her recent college roommate's fake attempt to seduce her. Usually Jordan listened, however she didn't want to anymore. Every story began to sound the same. Starting with a boy, ending with her blabbing about how they had sex and she only claims it a "one night stand", but it never really is.

Jordan knew how to pretend she was listening. She would stare in her best friend's eyes making the same subtle facial expressions as normal, Jasmine hardly noticed anyway. She was somewhat of a self-centered person, not that Jordan minded. She liked that about her, never in anyone else's business or drama but her own.

Jasmine seemed as if she was created straight out of a movie. The best friend with the blonde hair who can't stop talking about themselves and potentially ruining their best friend's life with all their quick talking, but never gets told to shut up every once in a while.

Jasmine's hair was a bright blondish, silky and flat from flat ironing it repeatedly. Her natural hair was curly; however, she preferred a barbie look. Something about it made her look "too perfect to be natural", or something along those lines. Not to mention her comely ocean blue eyes. Usually, her eyes were wide and filled with excitement of her memories and stories but once in a while they would be dull, seeming smaller due to her sad stories about her mistaken "one-night stands''

Jordan didn't know anything about college though she wasn't sure if she wanted to go. Currently it wasn't her main priority to decide not to. She just turned 19 a few months ago and at 18 she decided to move out of her parents' house and become an independent woman. She couldn't deal with their overwhelming pressure about going to college and setting an example to her younger siblings.

She has 3 younger siblings, the burden of being the eldest. There was Jonathan, a 16-year-old boy who apparently hated her guts though she never knew why, not like he would have told her. He hardly said a million words to her since he was born and that wasn't even close to how many words they've spoken since they were brought onto earth, only evidence of his hatred for her.

Then there was Marcus, the middle child. He was a curious little boy but not intruding. He kept to himself most of the time, not much of a speaker either.

Lastly, the youngest Myra. The bubble one in the family, as all younger ones usually are. She didn't go a day without giving off one of her biggest, bright smiles displaying her pearly white teeth she so heartedly took care of.

Occasionally Jordan would watch them during the weekends after school and sometimes on school nights when her mother worked late, which was almost all the time.

She didn't mind taking care of her younger siblings, but they were partially the reason why she left, her parents being the bigger factor. She wanted her own space, made her own rules, focused on herself and what she wanted and not her parents.

All of Jordan's friends were going to college, which were only a maximum of two people due to her antisocial personality developing after Kyle's leave. If she didn't get attached, she couldn't feel much if they left her as he did. Jordan was sure she wanted the college life and experience, but she didn't want to rush it. She wanted another year or two of freedom before she made a decision like that.


Jordan picked up the barbie doll off the floor, throwing it in Myra's toy bin which she had for when she would come over. Every so often Jordan would slip or trip on one of her toys. She heard the door being knocked on and knowing who it was, she sighed, hearing her slippers hit the floor as she walked towards it.

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