Chapter 8 A Wolf's intuition

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Jordan huffed, slamming the paper against the table, in front of Jonathan. He took his headphones off, looking at the paper.

His report card.

He was failing terribly.

"What the hell is this?" She angrily questioned, folding her arms and he just shrugged, not looking at her.

"You're going to tutorials" she said and he rolled his eyes, sliding his headphones back on until she snatched them, and he slid out his chair quickly, pissed at her for doing so.

"Jonathan you're failing"

"You should really stop caring J. That's what I did" He laughed as if it was funny, but the glare in her eyes said otherwise. Jordan was disgusted by his behavior. Just a few days ago he was crying and hugging her. Telling her he would get a job to help with their siblings.

What happened?

"It does matter! You're going to go to tutorials and you're going to work on every single-"

"YOU'RE NOT MOM! " He yelled, making her flinch by his sudden loud tone. What was scary, was the dark look in his eyes like he was seconds away from strangling her. Literally.

"Soon I'm going to have legal rights over you until you're 18 years old so until then I am your damn mother" She stood her ground, and he shook his head, turning around. She grabbed his arm and he pushed her so hard that she fell on the ground. Her heart dropped when he touched her. A small glimmer in his eye showed regret but it was quickly gone as he walked away saying, "Fuck this"

Then the door slammed.

Kyle's nose twitched as he stared at Jordan still on the floor. She put her face in her hands, but she didn't cry. His eyes caught the movement of Jonathan, walking down the street.

He pushed her, he thought.

And he would pay for it.

He opened the door, Diante stopping him with a hand on his shoulder. "It is not your business. Leave it alone" He had said but Kyle shrugged his hand away, Diante grabbing his arm.

"If you don't want me to shift, I suggest you take your hand off me. This time I won't be so easy" He threatened and Diante sighed, moving his hand.

Kyle slammed the door closed after him, throwing his hoodie on, following Jonathan down the sidewalk. He turned the corner and he stuck behind the wall hearing their laughs. There was Jonathan.

"I pushed my sister. I didn't mean to, but she makes me so mad"

"This guy" A man chuckled. "Aww you pushed your sister. So, fucking what." He heard the sound as if the man pushed Jonathan, but he didn't know for sure.

"Next time if the bitch touches you again, make sure she can't even look at you. You hear me?" He said.

"Yeah, I hear you. Pass the bottle man" Jonathan laughed and the men followed.

Kyle was tired of it. Jonathan was only pretending; he could feel it. He would never harm Jordan. This was an accident, and he only wanted the men's appreciation and so he kept up this act.

Kyle turned the corner, with his head down and he was pushed back, hearing the sound of a gun. "Hey man. You're in the wrong place" one of the men said. Kyle couldn't help the glow in his eyes as he looked up, staring the bald pale man in the face.

"Cool contacts," Jonathan said, taking a swig of the alcoholic liquid directly from the bottle. Kyle stared at the man before his eyes directed towards Jonathan.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now