Chapter 9 Escaping Confinement

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Myra giggled when Jordan gave her another kiss on the forehead after asking. Marcus rolled his eyes, grabbing Myra's hand, eager to get to class before the bell.

"Be careful. Love you both" Jordan said and they took off running. She wanted to scream' be careful' but that would have been embarrassing. She laughed until she saw who they were running to.


He found her eyes, but she averted them, starting her car back up. She smiled a bit. He was in different clothes, seemed clean. He didn't look roughed up. She wasn't thinking properly when she first put him out, but she was glad he didn't get hurt because of her.

Kyle watched Jordan drive off until he was snatched back out the bushes and stood up to see Diante.

"What on earth are you doing?" He questioned and Kyle huffed, dusting his pants off, seeing the grass stains on his shirt.

Kyle opened his mouth of course a lie awaiting but Diante spoke first saying, "Leave them alone"

"I'm not following her. I'm watching after Jonathan. I don't know if those assholes will come up to him"

"Just call the damn police" Diante huffed and Kyle shook his head, smacking his lips annoyed.

"Yeah, because that makes her look really good with the CPS" He sarcastically said, walking away with Diante following after him.

Jordan sighed as she sat on her old bed. Her walls still blue, with a couple scratches on them from her and Marcos always playing around when they dated. She stared at the scratch near her tv. She remembered that vividly.

She even saw the dent on the opposite side which she and Kyle made 6 years ago. She had jumped on his back. He was startled and he fell, though she was against the wall hard. It made such a loud noise her mother came in. They laughed so much that day. They put drawings in front of it to cover it up but one day she decided to take them all down, forgetting it was even there. By then her parents didn't care anymore.

She watched one of the men take her TV out of the drawer, taking it out of her room. It felt weird to take everything out. The men were moving things, taking them out and loading them in the U-Haul truck. She only wanted to take her siblings' clothes, TVs and beds. Things she didn't want to spend unnecessary money on. She decided to give Myra her bed though, hers were small.

Everything was surreal. Her parents leaving, Kyle returning, yet pushing her away and then moving things out of her parents' house that she hadn't been back to since she moved out. Then there was Jonathan. After finding out he was in a gang, which she would have never suspected but then again how could she? She didn't know the first thing about Jonathan even if he said it. It would have been a lie anyway. Everything was a lie, an act. Yet still she couldn't hate him, she still worried and cared where he laid his head but if it meant endangering their siblings, he couldn't stay at her house.

She had college to think about, a hearing to prepare for. So many things.

Kyle stared Diante down as he walked into the house. Kyle suddenly didn't want to be in the living room anymore even if that was the only place in the house with a Tv. He got up with his bowl of cereal, before Diante stopped him saying, "Sit down. We need to talk"

The four words he hated. They never bore good news, always bad. It always made Kyle's life worse. Instead, Kyle stood there. He didn't want to listen to Diante.

"Fine. Stand then" Diante said, obviously annoyed with his brother's antics.

"Kyle you can't-"

"You can't keep me in this house all day and you know it" Kyle interrupted, knowing what was coming. Diante knew he couldn't. It was never smart to keep a wolf confined even if Kyle hated that was the reason, but it was a good one.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now