Chapter 2 New Neighbors

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Simultaneously at a time, she moved back and forth, packing her younger sibling's lunch. A repeated thing it was. She turned to look at Jonathan, who made his own of course not due to him being old enough to do so himself, but more because he hated the mere thought of her touching anything he was soon to eat.

That was also a repeated thing. He would come downstairs, ignore her, not just word wise but her entire existence, and go about his way. He would have left quickly, unfortunately he had to walk their siblings to school, so he waited, prolonging his miserable life of being around his sister.

Jordan smiled that sisterly smile that showed 'I love you, but sometimes I want to strangle you' to her younger siblings as they walked out the door in their matching school uniforms where else Jonathan wore anything black, he could find. She wondered if he was going through what they called an 'emo phase'.

"See you later. Love you!" She cheerfully said with a hint of nonchalant attitude. It was simply for show, not that she didn't love her siblings or found them annoying, it was just a copycat move her mother did to her when she was younger as well. Maybe it kept them motivated through school.

As soon as the door was closed and locked, her bedroom door opened, and footsteps were heard coming down making her grin knowing all too well what was about to happen.

This mystery person appeared downstairs with a reflective grin as hers. She bit her lip, her eyes shifting down as she looked through her eyelashes, the seductive look he always fell for. The glimmer in her eyes told him what her lips didn't need to. He only smirked and made way to her, up close that she had to tilt her head back a little just to look up at him, but he wasn't staring at her, though his smirk didn't leave.

"We're alone?" He asked and she tilted her head to the side, letting her hair fall. He only found her eyes due to her lack of response. However, her eyes weren't on his, but his body, his bare chest. It wasn't that she hadn't seen it before, many times actually.

His smirk grew thinking about the different ways and positions she's seen his body yet still she couldn't keep her eyes off him.

Her two fingers touched him, crawled up his chest followed by her eyes. He had broad shoulders, sharp as well due to his athletic skill. The hard six abs were only a bonus as she slid her hands down them. She did it all the time, something about a man keeping a fit physique turned her on.

And she finally raised her eyes to meet him knowing he wouldn't start anything without them. He loved eye contact as did she.

"You're not going to stand there are you?" She asked, laying her hand on his shoulder, sliding up to the back of his neck.

She knew when his hand shot out to seize her waist and pull her against him, that he was provoked and eager.

Eager from spending the night in her room not being able to touch her as much as he would have liked due to her siblings being a room away, his strong, steady hand cupped her face, his lips, relentless as they crashed against hers.

Too quickly, her hand behind his neck began to bring him down harder as his hot and wet tongue slid in through her mouth before he arose with her thighs in his hands, sitting her on the cold marble surface of the counter. She smiled against his lips loving how quick, a rush it all was. They always went hard and quick, after all it was just fun, crazy sex.

Her shirt came off along with the drop of his pants and he fisted his hands in her light brown, soft hair. It draped over his fist as she sighed, his slight brutal lips against her neck no doubt living harsh hickeys she would have to cover up for work. She didn't care how many he made, she enjoyed it.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now