Chapter 16 Tragedies

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"Come forth wolf" Kyle said, with his eyes closed. He squeezed them tightly only to exaggerate how much strength he wasn't putting into it.

All day since the morning, he's been trying to get his wolf to speak again for Casey and Diante, only problem was, he truthfully wasn't trying.

He said things like, "I will you to speak" or "I command you to talk" Things he knew wouldn't actually get his wolf to speak. Truthfully, he wasn't sure if his wolf was there anyway.

Diante sighed after looking at his watch and Kyle's eyes opened relieved knowing he was about to leave.

"I have to go. Later we'll try. Don't worry, he's there" Diante said, putting his hand on Kyle's shoulder as if he were as disappointed as he were.

He wasn't.

Kyle nodded, watching Diante walk away.

Real cute, His wolf said.

"Shut up" Kyle snapped out loud and Casey's eyes widened, pushing him and he realized his mistake.

"You asshole! You could talk to him all along" Kyle put his hand over her mouth, quickly shushing her.

She smacked his hand off, "Why wouldn't you tell him?" She questioned, accusingly and he turned around with a sigh before sitting down, his shoulders slumping.

"He's going to make me go back. I can't go back. Not when I just got her back"

"So you rather your brother die risking his life to fight an Alpha?! Risking Jordan's life to"

Kyle couldn't feel much sympathy. He felt guilt though. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep his mind off Jordan.

"I will protect her," he said.

Casey's hands were thrown up, slapping back down her thighs. "Protect her? You can't even control your wolf!" She yelled.

True, His wolf said.

"Shut up!" Kyle growled, realizing he were growling at himself he huffed feeling stupid. He stood up, standing before her, close to her, almost threateningly.

"Don't you dare say anything to Diante." He stared her in the eyes and walked past her. He felt weird, not realizing how mean he had become when it came to Jordan. So, possessive of her he was.

Asshole move, His wolf taunted, but he ignored him as he smiled, showing his teeth as Jordan stepped out with her purse on and casual, yet professional wear. She was on her way to work.

She turned around and he grinned when she ran in his arms, still even after the many hugs he's given her she still runs to him as if she didn't see him the day before. He didn't care though as his arm wrapped around her neck, his lips gently against hers. She breathed out softly, her eyes still closed, and a permanent smile plastered across her face.

The sun shone on her face, and he couldn't help but stare at her, cupping her face softly and her eyes fluttered open. She smells like honey, His wolf purred deeply from his chest in pleasure. Kyle only smirked at his wolf's comment. He knew he could understand just how good she smelled.

"Kiss me again" She whispered, and he chuckled softly, turning his head slightly and taking her into a deep kiss that he didn't want to return from. Ever since yesterday, he began to feel excessively attached to her, wanting to be around her every minute of the day, every second.

His hand slid down her back, holding her there, closer against him. She began to lift on her tippy toes, holding his lips close as she laid her hand behind his head.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα