Chapter 42 And so shall Three Fall

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Smash, another wolf went crashing to the ground. Jordan smiled, satisfied with her skills.

And they tried to leave me, she thought.

She reached for another arrow, only to hold tightly to the tree as it shook harshly, and she screamed when the bag of arrows fell to the ground. Looking down, she saw the cause. A wolf with a smirk.

"Oopsie" He chuckled, and she groaned.

"Come down human. We won't hurt you" another said as he licked his lips. It disgusted her.

"Yeah, right asshole" She snapped.

He shrugged. "If you don't come down come, we'll be coming up"

She huffed; she definitely wasn't coming down.

"Then I guess you'll be coming up"

Laurent grinned, satisfied and he watched Jordan scoot back, clinging to the tree. Now that was solved, he focused his attention on Kyle.

He didn't seem the least bit exhausted, he moved with agility, effectively and with furiousness. He seemed to be satiating his wolf the more he fought. His wolf was huge, he could admit. Huge like an Alpha no doubt.

Laurent only grew angry as Kyle killed yet another wolf, blood splurging on his black fur. His fur that radiated death even from afar. It almost made him shiver. Kyle was so tall and strong as if he hadn't felt any pain. He envied him. He wanted that strength, that power. For himself and for Charles.

Jordan panicked hearing her window slide up and the wolf's head stuck out of it. Now, she allowed herself to feel fear. She stood up, holding onto the tree looking for another branch to get further away.

"Careful sweetness. Wouldn't want to break that lovely face of yours." He grinned but she only flicked him off making him snarl.

He climbed out the window and effortlessly, he swung on the tree branch. Taking her chance, she stomped hard on his fingers, and he yelled out. She kept stomping and one of his hands slipped.

"Off you bastard!" She gritted. The branch cracked and he reached up and grabbed her ankle and tugged. She quickly tried to shake him off.

"I changed my mind. Maybe you should break that little lovely face of yours" He chuckled and tugged her harder. She slipped and she screamed as she fell to her stomach. Quickly, she grabbed on to another branch. Unfortunately, she could only hold on for so long with both hands before her right gave out.

Her scream was like an echo in Kyle's ears. Merle's head lifted as they both turned around, seeing the sight before them. Jordan was holding on for dear life, wincing as she scraped her hand, blood was seen but she didn't let go. His hand slipped from the branch but that only made it worse as he used her as an anchor.

If he fell, he would simply bruise and heal, not so much for her.

Blood! Kill them! Merle's eyes fell to the bloodlust. Blood by her attackers.

Kyle growled out and he ran quickly only to unwillingly shift as he felt a massive pain in his ribs and he went flying, shifting back, landing on his side. He cried out in pain and rolled over with a grunt.

You're welcome, Merle chuckled.

This had not been funny. Though shifting did save him from more than just simple bruising.

12:00 Merle then said, and Kyle raised his head.

He came face to face with the Alpha. Not just the Alpha. The Alpha's wolf. He stood his ground, waiting. Did he want a fair fight?

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now