Chapter 5 Forsaken & Found

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Jordan's eyes popped open only to close, wanting the noise to go away but when it didn't, she raised up with a frustrated groan and threw her blankets off her quickly.

Who in the hell was banging at her door like this?

As she began to walk out her room, she thought of the men who had been following Jonathan and she grabbed her metal bat from her closet. The knocking continued as she walked down the stairs with determination. Determined to break someone's bones behind that door.

"I'm coming!" She yelled and the knocking stopped. She raised her bat, swinging the door open yelling,

"What is your problem?!"

Her eyes bulged as she saw a slim, professional woman standing before her with her hair tied in a back bun. She wore a gray suit and blazer, simple 3-inch heels and she looked at Jordan as if she was a crazy old woman. Jordan sat the bat down to the side, sighing.

"I'm so sorry" She apologized, and the woman only straightened, holding her hand out.

"I am Diane, with Child Protective Services, may I come inside?" She questioned, shaking Jordan's hand and Jordan tensed hearing the words. CPS?

Why would CPS be at her house? What did her parents do? What did she do? Did anyone know about Jonathan's attack? Were they coming to take him away?

Diane clearing her throat, brought Jordan out of her panicked thoughts and she moved to the side, allowing her in.

"Forgive me, but why-why are CPS in my dining room? Did I do something? My parents- did they?"

The woman seemed to tense herself by the question of her parents. Were her parents dead?

"You don't know?" The woman questioned and Jordan felt dread in her heart.

"Know? Know what?" Her voice raised in a panicked shriek and the woman saw this and laid her hand on Jordan's arm for comfort.

"Your parents left the state." She said slowly, still trying to comfort Jordan. She appreciated it, knowing it wasn't her job or place to. Left the states?

Were they coming back?

She was so confused. The woman went into her brief case and pulled a piece of paper from it. She slid it to Jordan saying, "The family court judge was given this letter by their lawyer, after their leave"

Lawyer? They could afford a lawyer?

With trembling hands, expecting the worst, she flipped the paper over and allowed her eyes to read the unspoken words...

Jordan, dear I am so sorry for this. Truly I am. Me and your father, we're getting old, my child. Your father's condition has worsened. Unfortunately taking care of three children wasn't what was best with his medical bills piling up and my lack of ability to work as often and tend to their needs. I've always reprimanded you for growing up too quickly, but now I'm praising you for it. You've grown into a wonderful young woman, even gaining some of those motherly qualities when it comes to your siblings. You need those qualities now Jordan. You and Jonathan both are our oldest and your siblings need you.

Your father doesn't have much time, and I want to spend the rest I can with him. I'm sorry to leave like this but I knew if I'd told you, you would have never allowed it. You enjoy your peace and independence. I know you would never let anyone else raise your siblings that's why I chose you Jordan.

I love you, and them. So, this is our goodbye.

Jordan flipped the paper over, her tears began to wet the back, now being able to see the black letters. Her eyes, blurry from the stinging water and she only let the sob escape not being able to hold it anymore.

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