20. Festival

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"My Lord, this is the updated budget. As discussed, I've included the cost for the musicians, the extra pay for the guards during the festival, and the cleaning before/during and after the festival," said Lady Secilia.

"Looks fine to me," responded Daniel, signing off the budget.

The city was bustling with excitement. This was the first-ever festival organized in the Barony. For many of the people, it was the first ever they would attend. Merchants traveled from neighboring areas, especially after Daniel announced he would not tax any sales during the festival.

The festival would span for three days. They had organized music events, street shows, stalls with food, dancing platforms, and strength competitions. Awards were announced for sword fighting, archery, horse riding, but also poetry, singing, and painting. All the Inns in the city were pre-booked for the entire three days, and visitors were setting tents outside the city walls. The girls, Annette and Helena, were responsible for organizing the vendors and the artists.

"Robert, how is the security?" asked Daniel. They would be the most vulnerable during the festival.

"As discussed, my Lord. I've arranged the guards and soldiers into three groups. Each group will get one day off duty to attend the festival, while 2/3 will be on duty," replied Robert.

Daniel nodded and walked out to see the city being decorated.

= * =

"Daniel, get dressed already! You need to get to the festival!" shouted Helena.

"The festival is three days long. We don't need to be there first," responded Daniel as he was getting dressed.

"Also, don't come into my room while I dress," he added.

"Hmm. When you find a fiancee, I'll stop coming into your room!" Helena exclaimed, making the maids chuckle.

Daniel groaned but got dressed as fast as he could, "Let's go," he finally said.

"Oh, brother. I forgot to tell you, there are some friends of mine from school visiting the festival and I'd like you to meet them! Also, their parents are here, so let's meet them during the festival".

"Sure," responded Daniel.

'Cap, Helena as a weird smile on her face, I have a bad feeling,' said Jon, only to be ignored by Daniel. That was a big mistake.

"Brother, this is amazing! The lights, the music, the dancing! When is your next official obligation?" asked Helena as they walked in the busy streets.

"Hmm, I have the swordfight competition award in two hours," Daniel answered.

"Great! Let's meet one of my friends! They are staying at a house they rented down this street."

'Cap, she is doing that smile again!' yelled Jon.

"Welcome, Baron Thanatos. It's nice to meet you finally! My daughter and your sister have been friends for years, and I've heard so many things about you!" said the well-dressed man. Next to him, a 13-14-year-old girl was secretly signing to Helena, while an older version of the girl was smiling radiantly to them.

'It's a trap! Cap, run! They closed the door! Do your smokey thing, we can still escape!' Jon yelled in Daniel's mind as the latter glared at Helena with a look of betrayal on his face.

"Brother, this is my friend Aurelia and her father, Viscount Sorel. This is her mother, Lady Ariana," said Helena with a mischievous grin.

"Good to meet you," said Daniel reluctantly.

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