38. Adventuring (3)

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"Are you two together?"

Alis choked when she heard the question coming from Joan and blushed.

"You mean, together together? No. Not such thing," Alis shook her head.

"I see. How did you come traveling together?"

"Hmm. He saved my life. Three times... So, I somehow ended up in his company. I hope one day to repay my debt to him!"

Joan smiled and walked faster to reach the rest of the group walking ahead. It has been two days since they are traveling at a fast pace. For some reason, it seems that monsters are avoiding them. Although they can hear frequent clashes and battle sounds behind them, no monsters have attacked them. For adventurers that make their money selling monster parts and crystals, this is not necessarily a good thing. It has never happened to them before, especially in this area known for its strong and ruthless monsters.

"Pit, why do you think the monsters are avoiding us?" Lana asked.

Pit looked around and pointed to Daniel with his head,

"That's the only reason I can think of. High-level monsters are clever. You saw what he did in that one hour the other day, right?"

Lana looked at Daniel, deep in thought. She was sure this young man was a dark mage due to the weapons he used during their fight. Also, at some point, when the Church of Light was mentioned, both Alis and Daniel seemed worried. A dark mage and a demi-human, not the church's best friends for sure. However, she couldn't feel any mana from him. It was as if he was an ordinary warrior. She knew better than to pry in a dangerous man's background, though.

"We camp here for the night," Joan said. Soon, everyone started preparing the ground. They had established a routine by now. Rey gathered the wood and prepared the fire pits, Lana readied the terrain using earth magic, Pit and Alis set up the tents, Daniel went hunting, and Joan would help him prepare the meat and cook. This was the best food they ever had in their adventuring years.

'Cap,  they are still following us. Maybe half a day behind. The monsters are giving them a hard time, but they'll catch up before we reach Alaiza,' Jon said while Daniel was stalking a giant boar.

'Should we double back and take care of them?' he added.

Daniel shook his head while he dashed from his hiding place, catching the boar by surprise and piercing its heart,

"We push forward. We shouldn't waste time. If they catch up, we take care of them," Daniel said while he moved the boar over his shoulder.

He had been collecting the blood from the kills and releasing it on their trail slowly. While the monsters were too afraid to come close while Daniel was there, they would swarm their path as the team pushed forward. Anyone following them would have a tough time dealing with the blood-thirsty monsters in their trail.

"Wow, another boar! Oh my, we will be eating excellent food again tonight! I think I'll be sad when we reach the city of Alaiza," Lana said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Master, is there someone following us?" Alis whispered when she was alone with Daniel.

Daniel raised his eyebrow and looked at her.

"Hmm. You have put our training on hold, and I've seen what you do with the monster blood and leftovers. Also, I can hear fighting in the distance behind us," Alis followed up, and her ears flinched.

"Yes, someone is desperate to catch up with us. I hope we reach the city before they do," Daniel responded while butchering the boar.

"Master. Joan said that when we reach the city, it would be better if you introduced me as your slave. She said most beast people are enslaved and that if someone found out I'm not a slave, they would get the wrong ideas."

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