37. Adventuring (2)

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Around the campfire, six people were sitting. The atmosphere was awkward.

"So, you are not his slave?" Pit asked Alis for the 10th time.

Alis shook her head.

"And, when you were calling him master, you wanted to be his student?"

Alis immediately replied,

"Yes! He is the best warrior I have seen! Learning from him will be an honor! One time, I saw him-"

Daniel's glare made her swallow her words and stop mid-sentence. They had agreed not to talk to anyone about the Endless Forest and the Goddess of Life. It would be too dangerous to attract the eyes of the Church at this moment.

"So, where are you headed?" Joan asked Daniel, trying to break the ice.

"North," Daniel answered.

"Does he always talk this much?" Lana asked Alis.

"He has even improved!" Alis chuckled.

'Cap, you've changed. Anyone else not related to you would be dead by now!' Jon teased.

"Tsk," Daniel said loudly and stood up. The adventurers tensed and instinctively touched their weapons.

However, Daniel simply walked away from the fire.

"Hey, where are you going? Don't you dare leave me behind!" Alis shouted and got up.

"Tsk. I am going hunting. Stay here," Daniel ordered and disappeared into the darkness.

"Should we warn him about the level of the monsters around here?" Lana asked Joan, and they both looked at the clearly pissed Alis.

"No need. Pray for the monsters," Alis snorted, and the four adventurers cringed.

Soon, the sounds of monsters roaring could be heard all around the area. It was dark, and they couldn't see clearly, but they could hear several magical beasts roaring. The flashes of magic in the distance showed that these were high-ranking. It was like a war was waging in the distance. The four people looked at each other and then at Alis who was starting at the fire like nothing was happening. Like she had no fear for Daniel.

One hour later, the screams and clashes gradually stopped. They heard footsteps and got tense. Daniel entered the clearing dragging behind him two giant dead beasts: one that looked like a boar and one that looked like a stag. Of course, the adventurers knew better than to think these were normal animals. They were high-ranking monsters, mutated by the thick mana of this area.

Daniel dropped the beasts and threw a holding bag to Alis.

"Put this away and prepare a roasting pit," he said coldly.

The bag falling to the ground revealed a dozen or so high-quality magical crystals -- still bloodied as they were removed from the beast corpses. The four adventurers choked. Right there in that bag was more money than what their party made in the last six months.

However, the sound of Daniel butchering the animals broke their trance. Of course, the idea of stealing never crossed their minds -- it would take all four of them to kill one of those high-ranking beasts, and Daniel killed a dozen alone in less than an hour.

They looked at the two beasts being butchered, then at their herb soup, and sighed. Adventurers regularly shared the same camping ground since there was safety in numbers. However, each party handled their own resources -- meaning, no meat for them.

'Cap, I know you are pissed but we need information. About the kingdom, area, routes, etc.' Jon reminded.

Daniel looked up and saw Alis glaring at him while the four adventurers pretended to enjoy their herb soup.

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