22. A Day Out

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"Daniel, we need to talk!" said Helena ambushing Daniel that was leaving the mansion in the morning.

"About?" replied Daniel.

"What do you mean? You created a mess and then left! The princess was practically crying; her guards were terrified; her maid couldn't stop shaking! I begged her to come back today," exclaimed Helena.

"Why?" said Daniel coldly.

"Why? Because she is Royalty, Daniel! We just managed to find some peace and stability, and you blow everything up? And now, you are going to go sightseeing with that foreign woman while the world is burning?" Helena yelled.

"What I do and who I meet is not of anyone's concern," answered Daniel coldly before leaving Helena behind.

'What happened? I've never seen Daniel so upset... Something happened between him and the Royal Family,' Helena thought and shook her head as she watched Daniel leave.

"Greetings, my Lord," said Robert as he joined Daniel walking to the train station.

"Where are we with the blacksmiths?" asked Daniel.

"We now have five different master blacksmiths, each manufacturing one of the components. Technicians from the special unit assemble them," said Robert but hesitated.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Daniel.

"My Lord, mass manufacturing these 'flame throwers' and 'water pistols' to equip all our soldiers; building larger versions to equip the trains; building underground 'bunkers' on the borders equipped with these devices; each of these actions could be seen as treason. Especially after yesterday's exchange, if anyone finds out...," added Robert.

"So, they better not find out. For now," replied Daniel.

Robert bowed slightly and left.

'And he only knows the half of it!' chuckled Jon in Daniel's mind.

'Captain, you are building an arsenal like nothing this world has ever seen. What is the plan?' asked Jon with hesitation.

"Nothing. I'm making sure that whoever comes after my family again will pay a terrible price," answered Daniel.

'Are you planning to fight the whole continent? After the fight with the Duke, your powers have flared. It seems the feathers on the wings have something to do with it. With your strength alone, you can take on an entire army or even ten armies. Why the extra arsenal?' asked Jon.

"I might not always be here to protect them," Daniel answered. Jon remained silent; he understood. They were both painfully aware of their mortality.

= * =

"There you are, chicken skewer guy! You are late!" a cheerful voice penetrated the station.

"No, I'm not. We said at 08:00, Princess," answered Daniel.

"Rin, I said you should call me Rin," the young woman pouted.

"OK, Rin. Shall we go?" he replied smiling. He already felt his spirits lifting.

The Princess's guards, butler, and maid crowded around them.

"Hmm. I'm afraid we can't travel all in the front carriage. You can get in the back carriage, and I'll go with Daniel in the front!" Rin ordered her people.

"My Lady! It's impossible! We can't leave you!" said one of the guards pleading.

"Don't worry, Jake. If something happens, Daniel will protect me. Right?" she asked, turning to Daniel.

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