Chapter 50: The Final Liberation

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Date: 2nd January, 1946

Time: 9 : 00 AM

Location: Pacific Ocean

Objective: END THE SIRENS!!!

What came out of the ocean's waves and then the thundering rumble of clouds surrounding them are the Liberal Republic. The fleet reveals to be Emilia, Andrea, Gregoria, Diego, Pasopati, Trisula, Conqueror, Tenacious, Chakri, Aishah, Arissa, Lekiu, Bian, Chau, Tso Ying, Ma Kong, Seoul, and Ulsan, this also included Beatific.

Beatific: Hello everyone! Welcome to the final stage!!!

Beatific: The moment the High Heavens has called us!

Emilia: From the Orient Pearl!!!

Pasopati: The Majapahit Snakes!!!

Conqueror: The Clean Horizons!!!

Chakri: The Royal Moons!!!

Aishah: From the Royal Hills!!!

Bian: From the Northern Blood!!!

Ma Kong: From the Blue Sun!!!

Seoul: From the Densiflora Empire!!!

All girls: We are all the Liberal Republic!!!

Enterprise: Emilia!!! You're here!!! *Tears came out of her eyes*

Bataan: I knew they would come...

Hornet: Bataan? *Notices her tears*

Sovetskaya Rossiya: So that is their leader?

Friedrich de GroBe: I am surprised to meet her and her fleet, they are all perfect to be part of my children.

Richelieu: Those flags of theirs are also different to be noted. I might as well ask them to come and join the Church.

Jean Bart: Maybe later.

Vittorio Veneto: So they must be the Liberal Republic they talked about.

Kaga: Here they come once again, just like the old event.

Akagi: The attack on Azur Lane... Ah yes... *Remembers the very first declaration of war*

Hood: The glorious entrance of the Republic, the alliance with all different governments.

Queen Elizabeth: The factions from a new land, the alliance of all different rulers.

Prince Of Wales: Four Republics, Three Democracies, and One Monarchy. All united as a new alliance rather than Azur Lane and Red Axis.

Tester: That's her! The one from the radio!

Orochi: Beatific?! The Betrayer Of Siren?! The Siren who killed the entire Siren race?!

Arbiter IX: You traitors!

Andrea: Hahahaha! Us? Traitors? Just who are you sushi are talking? After you manipulated both Iron Blood and Red Axis to fight each other for your own master plans.

Gregoria: Ending the human population for your own power, to turn both of our worlds into SIRONOPIAS. A stupidest plan made by invaders, of just sushis.

Diego: You have never seen our powers as these World War 2 technology with modern retrofits! From all our hard work we have done in the past!

Pasopati: From the surface to the mysteries under the azure lanes, we all experience the fires of hell and the oil that colors us our scars.

Tenacious: All humanity are the same, but with different origins, nations, factions, allies, enemies, religion, and history, even with all their differences, they're all the same, humans.

Liberal Lanes (Liberal Republic x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now