Chapter 69: Means for Concern

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He leaned back against the counter, holding his stare on me. I really wasn't sure what to say. Or how to feel. I knew there was no way I was ready for anything like this, but after talking about it with him, I had starting to get excited about the idea of it. He bit down on his lip, staying quiet.

"What are you thinking?" I asked, going over to him. He shrugged, crossing his arms, looking away.
"I don't know." He said softly. "I mean.. I guess that's.. good, right?" He didn't sound convinced. I moved his arms out of the way, wrapping mine around him, pulling him into a tight hug. He sighed, holding me tighter.
"I guess.. I was just excited." He said quietly. I nodded.
"Me too."

"But.. if you're not pregnant, then.. why were you still getting sick?" He asked, looking down at me. He was right. If that wasn't the case, something had to be wrong.
"I.. I don't know." I said. His face dropped.
"We should get you to the doctors. And while we're there, you can take another test. These aren't always right.. right?" I nodded. What if this was something much more serious? I shook the thought. There was no need to get myself worked up before we knew what was going on.

"We've got some time before the show. I'll take you."
"You don't have to leave, I.. I can take myself, it's okay I don't-"
"I'm taking you." He said sternly. "I'm just gonna let the guys know. I'm sure it won't take too long. Just have to find a place out here that'll take us right away." I nodded, backing away as he grabbed his phone and started calling, going back out into the hallway.

It was nice seeing him take charge like this. I knew that no matter what happened with us, he'd be able to handle it. And it made me feel like.. when the timing was finally right, I had picked the right person to go through this with. 

"Alright.." He said, coming back in. "I found some place that can take us now if we hurry. I texted Sam to let him know we were leaving. I didn't give him much detail but.. he doesn't really ask questions anyway. Though, I'm sure he will later. But we should get going now."
"Okay." I said, following him close as he lead us out of the venue and back out to the parking lot. He opened the door to one of the vans and helped me in. I watched him make his way around, hopping into the driver's seat and quickly drove off.

"Thanks." I said quietly, keeping my eyes out the front window. He peeked over at me, giving me a small smile.
"For what?" He asked. I shrugged.
"For everything. Just.. for being here." His smile grew as he reached over for my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"You don't have to thank me. That's what boyfriends are supposed to do." He said, smirking at me. I felt my cheeks burn as a smile escaped my lips.
"Well, still.. thank you." I said. I heard him laugh to himself, shaking his head.
"You're welcome."

As we pulled in, I reached for the door.
"You don't have to come in, I'll just-"
"Jess." He said, smirking at me. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"Okay." He hopped out, following me inside, instantly going to the front desk.

"I'll handle it." He said to me, turning away. I nodded, looking around. I always hated hospitals.

"Okay, let's go." He said, grabbing my hand and leading me down one of the hallways.
"He'll be right in." One of the assistants said, flashing Jake a smile.
"Thank you." He said plainly, guiding me in. I sat down in one of the chairs across the room.

"This is all happening so fast." I whispered. "What if something is wrong."
"Don't think like that. I'm sure it's okay. We just.. we're just making sure." I nodded, now anxiously picking at my fingers. A minute felt like an eternity here. 

Finally, the door opened.

"Hello. Jess, is it? My name's Dr. Taylor." He said. I nodded. "Sorry for the wait, but glad we could squeeze you in. What seems to be the problem today?"
"Well, she was sick." Jake chimed in. "And we thought she might be pregnant, but she took a test and it came back negative. So, we're not really sure what's wrong now, and also just wanted to take another one to be sure." Dr. Taylor smiled and Jake, and then looked over at me.

"First time?" He asked. I smiled, feeling my cheeks burn.
"He's.. very involved." I giggled to myself. He nodded.
"Well, we'll figure out what it is, don't you worry." He said. "But you got yourself a good one." I nodded.
"I do." I said softly, peeking over at Jake. His cheeks burned as he smiled back.

"Alright, so we'll give you another test to take and then we'll take it from there." He said.
"Now, is this test better, or.." Jake chimed in.
"Don't you worry, we'll know for sure soon." Jake nodded, peeking over at me. I gave him a subtle smile before going into the bathroom.

When I got back, I placed the test on the counter and sat down in the chair next to Jake who was nervously picking at his nails. I reached over, gently grabbing his arm. He peeked over, smirking at me, his cheeks getting red.

"Alright, is there any other means for concern that we should be looking out for?" Dr. Taylor asked. Jake looked back up at him confused.
"W-what do you mean.. other means for concern?"
"Okay so, what does your life look like right now, just on a day to day basis?"
"Well, we're on tour. I'm in a band and Jess is our tour photographer. So we've been living on the road for a while." Dr. Taylor nodded and starting writing.

"Ah.. okay." He said, looking back over at me. "So lots of partying." I shrugged.
"I wouldn't say a lot, but definitely more than I'm used to." He nodded, writing again.
"And are you getting plenty of sleep? Drinking enough water." I bit down on my lip, hesitating.
"Probably not enough. It's been hard to sleep the past few nights." He nodded again, going over to the counter and looked down at the test.

"Well, this test is also negative." He said, writing again. "So your nausea could be from exhaustion and dehydration. I know your schedule must be tight, so what I can do is keep you overnight, we can get you on an IV for your fluids and ensure you get plenty of rest. And then you should be able to check out early tomorrow morning." He said, turning to Jake.

Jake looked over at me, wide-eyed.
"Overnight?" He said, his voice concerned. "Is.. is she okay?"
"She's fine, don't worry." Dr. Taylor said calmly. "This will just ensure she's at her best in the quickest amount of time. Especially if she'll be on the road for much longer. Think of it like a physical restart." Jake nodded, looking back over at me.

"I can stay with you, it's okay." He said. I shook my head.
"Jake, I'll be fine. You're not staying." I smirked. "You can come back after the show if you want, but you're not missing it."
"It's just-"
"No." He stopped, nodding, looking back at Dr. Taylor. 

"You'll let me know where she'll be?" He asked. "And when I can get her?"
"Of course. Though, she'll need plenty of rest. And should continue after she's signed out." Jake nodded, getting up.

"Okay." He sighed, looking down at me.
"It's okay, Jake." I said softly, smiling up at him. "You can call me when you get out." He nodded, leaning down, kissing me on the lips.
"I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" I sighed, gently touching his cheek.
"Okay." I said, smiling back at him. A smile escaped his lips as he leaned in, kissing me again.
"I love you." He said softly.
"And I love you. Have a good show." He held his stare on me, refusing to move.

"Go, Jake." I laughed. He bit down on his lip, his cheeks burning.
"Okay.." He said, hesitating but finally heading out the door. 

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