Chapter 143: Something On Your Mind

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I stared down at my phone, feeling my heart beat faster. Jake must've gotten back to the bus by now for Sam to think to text me. I wondered what Jake had said, if he said anything at all. He probably didn't have to. I'm sure they were all counting down the days, just waiting for this to happen again. I tossed my phone away, running my fingers through my hair. 

No. I couldn't.
I couldn't keep dragging him into this.
It wasn't fair.

Lying back down, I stared up at the ceiling, covered in all of my old posters and photographs. It was as eerie as it was comforting to be home again; it felt like a lifetime ago I woke up here, that morning I first laid eyes on that crimson red bus.

I was brought back to reality as my phone vibrated again. I hesitated, taking a deep breath before grabbing it and flipping it back over.

Sam: if you need me, I'm here.

My cheeks burned, my heart beating faster.
If you need me, I'm here.

Finally, I forced myself to press 'call.' After three rings, he finally picked up.
"Hey.." He whispered. My heart jumped.
"Hey." I said softly. He was quiet for a moment.
"Are you okay, Jess?" He asked, staying quiet. I could tell he had gone outside so no one else would hear.
"No." I finally managed, tears coming to my eyes again.
"Where are you?"
"Sam, I.. I don't want to do this to you aga-" I whimpered, trying to catch my breath.
"Where are you, Jess?" He asked again. I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart beat faster.

"I'll text you my address." I finally said.
"Okay." He sighed. "I'll be right there."
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Mhm.." He managed, before hanging up.

I tossed my phone to the side, feeling more tears come to my eyes. My stomach ached and my chest was tight; breathing felt impossible between the sobs that now stained my pillowcase. I lost track of time before there was a knock at the door. I quickly pushed myself out of bed, wiping my face and cleaning myself up as much as I could before I made my way over to the door. My heart jumped as I peered through the peephole. Quickly opening it, I took him by the hand and lead him inside.

"Come on, I'm sure my dad's gonna be home soon." I whispered. He flashed me a wide grin, giggling to himself.
"This feels very high school, Jess." He said softly, following me towards my bedroom. I glanced back at him, giving him a gentle smile. I shut the door behind us as he made his way in, looking around the room. Climbing back into my bed, I yanked the covers over me, pulling my knees up against my chest, just admiring him as he continued to wander, the same gentle smile spread across his lips.

"It's cute." He giggled, making his way over, sitting down on the edge of my bed. I couldn't help but smile, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Cute?" I asked. He nodded, biting down on his lip.
"Yeah." He shrugged. "So, this is where.. little you grew up?" I nodded, holding my dazed stare on him. He lied back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Did you take those?" He asked. I nodded.
"Most of them." Peeking over at me, he gave me a gentle smile. I bit down on my lip, doing my best to hold back the tears again. He noticed, his face dropping as he crawled over, lifting the blankets and curling up next to me underneath. My heart started beating faster as I wrapped my arm around him, hiding my face in his chest, smelling the faint scent of his cologne.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I felt his hand move up to my back, his fingers gently running up and down my spine.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." He said softly. I shook my head.
"For crying on you again." I managed. He giggled to himself.
"Oh, yeah, that.. well, yeah.. I thought we weren't gonna do that anymore?" He said. I could hear the smile in his voice. I kept my face hidden as I tried to contain my scattered breaths, but it was impossible. The tears just kept coming, and they wouldn't stop.

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