Chapter 128: Hope

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I quickly backed away from the window as I heard the bus door open. Jake stomped up the steps, going over to his bunk and started to get changed. He avoided eye contact with everyone as he silently got ready, jaw clenched, slamming everything in every which way until he finally grabbed his bag, and stormed off down the steps, hastily making his way into the venue.

My heart was racing as I turned back to Danny, who nodded, motioning outside to where Sam was still leaning up against the bus, holding his face.

I went into the freezer, wrapping a few pieces of ice into a washcloth and brought it outside. He peeked over at me, giving me a gentle smile. My cheeks burned as a smile escaped from my lips. He held his stare on me as I made my way over.

"You okay?" I asked, gently placing the washcloth on his face. He winced, and finally sighed, placing his hand on top of mine.
"I've been better." He giggled to himself.
"I'm sorry." I said softly, gently pushing the hair out of his face. He shrugged, smirking back at me.
"So, I take it you told him about us." He said, wincing again. I nodded.
"Yeah, I.. I might've mentioned it." I giggled. His smile grew.

I took the washcloth, gently wiping the remaining blood off of his face.
"How bad did he get me?" He asked.
"Well, you're definitely gonna bruise." I said, looking back up at him. He smirked, rolling his eyes.
"Well.." He sighed, peeking back down at me with a smile. "It was worth it."

I shook my head, pressing the ice back on his face. I then felt his hand slowly find its way into mine, intertwining our fingers. I bit down on my lip, trying to contain my smile.
"I.. I heard what you said to him." I whispered.
"Oh yeah?" He asked, holding his stare on me, his eyes getting wider. I nodded, feeling my cheeks burn.
"You're not just the next best thing, Sam." I said softly, moving the washcloth away. He reached up, gently touching my cheek.
"I hope not." He whispered, pulling me into a gentle kiss. My heart jumped, and then I felt an overwhelming sense of calm; complete comfort. I moved my hands up his chest, grabbing onto his shirt as I pulled him in closer, kissing him back. He winced, slightly moving away.

"Sorry." I sighed, biting down on my lip. He smirked back at me, shaking his head, pulling me back in to another kiss.
"It's worth it." He giggled, running his fingers down my cheek, staring back into my eyes. I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck. His smile grew as he gently ran his fingers through my hair, tucking it behind my ear.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
"You're bleeding and you're gonna ask me if I'm okay?" I laughed. His smile grew into a toothy grin as he nodded.
"Yeah." He sighed. "I am."
"I'm fine." I said simply. He bit down on his lip, holding his stare on me, his face dropping a little.
"Are you sure?" He asked. I felt my cheeks burn.

No. There was plenty I wanted to ask him but.. now didn't feel like the right time. How could I actually stand here and ask him if I was nothing more than a fling to him after he had just gone through all of that for me?

"Yeah I'm.. I'm sure." I said, forcing a smile. He sighed, shaking his head.
"You're not. But.. when you're ready to talk about it.. just let me know."
"Okay." I whispered.

Jake's P.O.V

I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I did my best to hold back the tears as I quickly made my way through the venue, forcing a smile at everyone I passed. If only they had any idea what  I was going through.

At least now I could soundcheck in peace. I couldn't remember the last time I had the place to myself to just play. Maybe that's what I needed right now. But the worst part about that is now I was just left with my own thoughts.

I would never admit it, but Sam was right. Jess had given me plenty of chances and when the moment came, I always knew the perfect way to fuck everything up. But it's not like I wanted to, I just wanted everything to go.. perfectly, and.. I'd always psych myself out, and I knew that. I had no intention of getting that drunk last night but.. I knew if I didn't drink something, I would have been so nervous that.. nothing would've come out. And by then, I just couldn't stop. I just wish that she knew-

"You sound great!" I heard. I quickly stopped playing, looking around. My stomach dropped as Charlotte made her way up onto the stage, going over to her guitar on the opposite side.
"Oh, t-thanks. Sorry, I.. I thought I was alone." I said, keeping my eyes down.
"You were." She laughed. "But then I heard you and, well, who can resist that?" I felt my cheeks burn as I nodded, forcing a smile. I stayed quiet, not really sure what to say to her.

"So, I heard what happened." She finally said. My heart sunk. "Well, I guess we all heard. People talk." I bit down on my lip, nodding.
"Ah.." I managed.
"For what it's worth, she's an idiot for letting you go." She said plainly, flashing me a flirty smile. My cheeks burned.
"Yeah, well, you don't know the whole story, so-"
"Are you saying she's not? And to leave you for your own brother? I mean.." She trailed off. I felt my heart start to beat faster. I came in here to get away from all of that. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about it, and with her of all people.

After what she said to me, I knew the one thing that would drive Jess away completely would be thinking I was now fooling around with Charlotte, so if I was ever going to win her back, I couldn't even let that be a thought.

"Charlotte, um.. look, I.. I kinda.. was looking forward to.. checking alone, if you don't mind." I said, scrunching up my face. She stared back at me, wide-eyed.
"Oh, yeah, sure, no problem. But don't forget, you did promise me that you'd teach me a thing or two after a show one night, and I'm gonna hold you to it." She said, winking at me. My cheeks burned as I nodded, looking back down at my guitar.

But I could still feel her lingering, just waiting for me to ask her to stay. I peeked back up at her.
"Alright.." She finally said. "Well.. when you're done, you know where to find me." She said cheerfully. I forced another subtle smile, before looking back down and continuing to play.

After a little while, I could feel my hand starting to cramp up. I knew punching him was an awful idea, but I don't know what came over me. I had never been like this, especially not towards any of my brothers, but in that moment, I didn't see Sam as my brother but instead.. someone who was taking Jess away from me.. even if I was the one who drove her there.

Finally, I lifted my guitar over my head, placing it back down on its stand and started massaging my hand. If I had anything, at least I had the show to look forward to. But I knew that would just mean another night of her.. on Sam's side. My heart dropped.

I wish I could even pretend to not understand what she saw in him, but I couldn't. He was a great guy to everyone, even if he never wanted to actually date them. But if I knew anything about Jess, it's that she wanted something serious. She had no interest in anything casual with.. anyone. So if I could just show her that I could give her everything she wants in a relationship, then maybe there was still hope.

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