Chapter 171: Exciting Times

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A Few Days Later

I slid open the door to the back room, seeing Jake sitting up, quickly typing on his laptop, his eyes glued to the screen. I knocked on the door to get his attention, smiling when he finally picked his head up.
"Hey, what are you working so hard on?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. He gave me a quick smile before looking back down, typing again.
"I can't believe how many emails I've gotten since they announced the nominations." He sighed. "I had no idea how involved all of this would be."

"Well.. when do you think you're gonna be done with them? Cause.. I was wondering if.. maybe you and I could run up to the-"
"And once I'm done with these, then I have at least two interviews to do, and who knows what else is gonna come in throughout the day." He said. I nodded, biting down on my lip.
"O-oh.. okay, well.. that's.. that's exciting, right?" I managed. He nodded, still keeping his eyes locked on the screen. I felt my heart start to beat faster, hoping at some point he would eventually stop to listen to me.. but he didn't.

But it was okay. This was all so new. This was an exciting time for him. 

"Um.. but do you know how long you're gonna be? Because.. I was kinda hoping you'd come with me to get-"
"I really have no idea how long these are gonna take, sorry but.. I'm just.. really swamped right now. Can it wait?" He asked, finally peeking up at me. I bit down, nodding.
"Y-yeah.. it's.. it's okay, sure."
"Where'd you wanna go? Do you wanna just run up? Do you need me to go with you?" My cheeks burned.
"Well, I.. I don't have a license." I said quietly. He finally stopped, staring up at me wide-eyed.
"You don't have a license?" He asked, smiling back at me. I shook my head, my smile growing.
"I lived in the city. Why would I ever need a license?" He shook his head, giggling to himself.
"You never anticipated moving to Michigan with your fiancé and having to drive everywhere?"
"Funny enough, no, that was never actually on my to-do list." He smirked back at me, his cheeks burning.

"It's okay, I'll figure it out." I sighed, forcing a smile. "Have a good interview." He nodded, flashing me a wide grin, quickly looking back down at his laptop, rapidly typing away again.

I went back out into the main area of the bus to see Josh sitting down at the table, peeking up at me.
"Where'd you wanna go?" He asked happily. I stopped, feeling my cheeks burn.
"Oh, no, it's okay. I.. I can just wait for him. Don't worry about it."
"Chances are.. he's not gonna be done for a while. If you need to go, I can take you. I don't mind." I bit down on my lip, holding my stare on him. Taking him up on his offer would mean having to explain why I needed to go, and at the moment, I really just wanted to keep that between me and Jake. 

Then again.. Josh had been there for me before. Out of anyone, he was probably the best person to ask. I remembered that day so vividly; I was absolutely terrified and yet he somehow managed to make me feel like everything was going to be okay.

"Actually.. um.. if you wouldn't mind.." I muttered. He shook his head, flashing me a smile as he got up, quickly finishing the rest of his coffee, placing his mug in the sink.
"Not at all." He said cheerfully. "We can borrow the van. Come on, we can go now if you want." I nodded, following him closely as we made our way down the steps. As we got closer, he tossed me the keys. My cheeks burned as I caught them, staring back at him.

"What?" He laughed. "You don't wanna drive?"
"I can't." I giggled. He stopped, staring back at me confused, his smile growing.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"I.. I don't have my license." I said softly. He laughed, shaking his head.
"You don't?"
"We.. don't drive in the city." He stopped, nodding.
"Huh.. I guess that makes sense. Well, okay, toss 'em back over. Don't want you to kill us." I shook my head, giggling to myself as I threw the keys back over to him, climbing into the passenger seat of the van. 

You're the One - Part 1 || Greta Van FleetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang