Chapter 114: Little Black Box

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I stared up at Jake wide-eyed as my heart continued to pound, still trying to wrap my head around what had just happened. He sighed, turning back to me, his face still red with anger.

"You didn't have to hit him.." I said softly. His face dropped as he glared back at me.
"You're seriously defending him right now?" He snapped. My stomach dropped.
"Jake, of course not, but you-"
"Cause it sure sounds like you are." I shook my head, covering my face with my hands as I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Jake, please.." I whispered. "Tonight was perfect. I just.. I want one night with you that doesn't end in an argument."
"Well, I want one night where I don't have to worry about you and someone else." He snapped. My heart dropped.
"Jake.." I sighed.

He was quiet for a moment before eventually sitting back down on the bed.

"Jess, why are you with me?" He finally asked. I wiped my eyes, looking back over at him.
"W-what do you mean?" I asked, feeling my heart beat faster.
"I mean.. you can take your pick.. apparently.." He said, his voice trailing off. "So.. why me?"
"Because I love you." I said, more tears coming to my eyes.
"But why?" 

"Because when I'm with you.. nothing else matters. With you, I feel like.. I'm home." I said, feeling the tears fall down my cheek. He stared back at me, now moving in closer to wipe my eyes.

"Jake.. I'm sorry about everything that's happened but.. no matter what.. it's always going to be you." I said softly, reaching out for him. He moved closer, gently holding my face in his hands.
"So then.. what Sam said.. that doesn't matter?" He asked. I felt my cheeks burn, my heart beating faster.
"I want you, Jake." I sighed. He stared back at me, finally pulling me in, gently kissing me on the lips.

"Can you stay with me in my room tonight?" He asked. "Since.. we're leaving again soon. I just-"
"Of course."

He got up and went over to his bunk, opening up the drawer underneath and pulled out a shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
"Here.." He said, placing them next to me, giving me a gentle smile. I got up, sliding them on and pulling his old t-shirt over my head. His smile grew as he reached out.
"I love you in my clothes." He giggled to himself, grabbing my hand and pulling me in, kissing me on the cheek. 

I intertwined our fingers, pulling him closer to me. I saw him smirk as he lead us off the bus and back into the house. For the most part, everyone had cleared out. He quickly pulled me down the hall, where I saw the light in Sam's room still on, his door wide open. I felt my heart beat faster as Jake pulled me into his room, shutting the door behind us.

I went over and lied down on his bed, propping my head up onto my hand, looking over at him.
"You should go to sleep." I said, smirking back at him. He nodded, biting down on his lip.
"Or.." He said, crawling back onto the bed. "We could pick back up from where we left off.." He leaned down, gently kissing me on the lips. I reached up, tangling my fingers in his hair, kissing him back.

"Maybe not with.. everyone right here." I laughed, staring back up at him. He sighed, giving me a gentle smile, his cheeks burning.
"Okay." He said, rolling over next to me. I sat up, leaning back against his pillows when my heart jumped as my eyes stopped at his end table.

A little black box.

"Jake.." I sighed, peeking over at him. His eyes were now closed as he reached over, wrapping his arm around my stomach.
"Mhm.." He said softly, pulling me closer, hiding his face in my neck. I bit down on my lip, peeking back over at it, my heart now beating faster.

He really did have a ring.

Sam's P.O.V

I made my way back into my room, plopping down onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't believe this was happening. Kelly had come in here and ruined everything in the span of an hour, and now I knew.. things with Jess were never going to be the same. Everyone knows you can never be just friends once something like that happens.

There was a knock at the door.

I turned over to see Ronnie, standing in the doorway.
"Hey.." I sighed, staring back up at the ceiling.
"You okay?" She asked, leaning up against the doorframe.
"Yeah.." I sighed, peeking over at her, motioning her in. She gave me a subtle smile as she made her way over, sitting down at the foot of my bed.

"I'm.. I'm really sorry, Sam." She said softly. I bit down on my lip, nodding.
"It.. it wasn't fair for her to-"
"Yeah." I said, cutting her off. She nodded, looking away. "I.. I went to go talk to her." She stared back at me wide-eyed.
"To Jess?" She asked. "W-what did she say?" I shrugged, looking back up at the ceiling.
"Nothing, really. But I figured that.. with Jake being there."
"Do you think.. it's gonna be weird.. going back out on tour?" She asked quietly.
"Oh, absolutely." I giggled to myself, flashing her a smile. She smirked back at me.

"I know you care about her." She said softly. I bit down on my lip, nodding. She moved closer to me.
"But.. you should know that.. Jake.. bought a ring." 

My heart dropped.

"H-he did?" I asked, sitting back up. She nodded, her eyes getting sad.
"Y-yeah and.. well, if he already hasn't.. I.. I know he was planning on proposing. Soon. And.. she seems.. ready." I could feel a knot forming in my chest.

"Ronnie you don't get it."
"Look, Sam..I may not get this but.. I do know that if you really do love her.. being a friend to her would be better than.. not being there at all." She said softly. I held my stare on her, feeling my cheeks burn.
"You're right." I sighed.
"Sam, I.. I just.. I don't want you to get hurt." She said quietly. "I've already seen what Jake and Josh have gone through."
"I know, Ronnie.." I said, smirking back at her. "Thank you." She sighed, holding her stare on me.

"You're.. you're not gonna give up, are you?" She asked, her smile growing. I bit down on my lip, shaking my head.

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