I have a child III [Max Verstappen]

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          "Max Verstappen, you are a world champion!" Y/N heard through the headset as cheers erupted around her. It had been an intense season watching the battle unfold between Lewis and Max, and at the final race of the year Max secured the championship.

"You hear that Y/D/N? Daddy's a world champion!" Y/N couldn't contain her emotions. Max had worked hard this season, harder than perhaps many people thought. The countless nights he'd spent awake analysing data and days spent away from his family in Milton Keynes doing simulator work. Max had missed a lot, Y/D/N had started nursery in September and so during the week when Max was off Y/D/N was in school and at the weekend when Y/D/N was off Max was usually off racing.

Y/D/N was still a bit too young to understand the gravity of the situation, but she knew that it was a special moment especially judging by how everyone else around her was acting. She couldn't help but throw her arms in the air and cheer. "Yes sweetie!" Y/N cheered as she picked her up, she didn't want her daughter to get lost in the crowd as they made their way to the barriers at parc ferme to meet the new champion. They arrived just as Max's car rolled into the number one spot, "There's daddy!" Y/N said pointing it out to Y/D/N, who erupted into giggles as she watched her father clamber out of the car. Standing atop his car, Max pumped his fist into the air before leaping off the bolide of the car and running into the awaiting arms of this mechanics at the barrier. They received him with hugs and a few helmet slaps before he eventually made his way down to Y/N.

Y/N threw her arms around her shoulders as Y/D/N was momentarily squeezed between the two of them. She pressed a kiss to his helmet as she muttered to him, "You're a world champion, I couldn't be prouder of you." Just as Y/N was about to speak again Y/D/N pressed her hands against Max to make some room between them for her.

"Daddy!" She cheered, "Cham-pee-on" She sounded out scrunching up her nose. With a gleeful laugh, Max removed his helmet and scoped her up into his arms, pressing a kiss to her cheek. With a giggle Y/D/N itched her cheek, "Your beard is itchy."

"I'll shave just for you," Max offered but quickly retreated it when he glanced over to Y/N to see her frantically shake her head. "Would you like to come onto the podium with me?" Y/D/N's eyes got wide, and she nodded her head excitedly. She had never been on the podium before. Max set her down and held onto her hand as they walked over to Christian, who would be representing Red Bull on the podium.

"And in 1st place, and your 2021 World Champion, Max Verstappen!" There was a pause between Max being announced and him arriving on the podium, primarily due to Y/D/N as she couldn't walk as fast as her daddy, but eventually the two of them appeared, garnering cheers and awes as the littlest Verstappen appeared. Max stood atop the top step with Y/D/N standing proudly beside him, both wrapped in Dutch flags. 

What an end to the season and what a joke the stewards and michael masi have been this year

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What an end to the season and what a joke the stewards and michael masi have been this year. I am so happy for Max! (was rooting for him to win). This championship battle wasn't good for me, I was so tense before every race lol 

it's been a while since I last updated lol. don't expect lots of updates but I am off currently for christmas so we'll see what happens. 

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