Stall [George Russell]

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                   George smiled widely as you sat down in his car. He had called you half an hour ago asking if you wanted to go to the shops with him and you'd never turn down an opportunity to spend time with him so it was no surprise when you agreed and he said he'd pick you up. "Hello gorgeous!" He said once you'd closed the door.

"Hey gorgeous!" You replied with a smile and George smiled back at you before putting the car in gear and driving out of your driveway to leave the estate, "Clear right," You said after checking for him and as he began to pull out onto the road, he stalled. You let out a bark of laughter. "Ha! Wait till the press get a hold of this, F1 driver stalls – I can see it now!"

"Alright, alright, pipe down you," He said as he restarted the engine and set off once again – successfully this time. "That was a hill start. A stall is allowed there."

"For a normal person yeah but you job is literally to drive," You gave him a cheeky smile. George's jaw dropped slightly, and his eyebrows furrowed as if trying to think of a suitable comeback. "An F1 car and a road car are very different-" You interrupted him and said in a matter of fact tone that road cars where meant to be easier to driver than a F1 car, "Awk, well, uh ... why does your estate have a hill anyway. That stupid on the builders' part."

"Wasn't really a hill though, was it? It was a gentle gradient at most." You teased. At this point you were mainly trying to simply rile him up as it was amusing to see him get frustrated as he would sit up straighter, furrow his eyebrows and give his head the odd shake which in turn would shake his hair and as weird as it sounded, you loved his hair so much; running your hand through it was probably one of your favourite things to do.

"There was an incline, thus a hill." He argued, "You're being very critical, and I don't appreciate it." You put your hands up in mock defence, but the smile was still evident on your face and your eyes shone with laughter that was yet to be released.

"Why are we going to Tesco anyway?" You asked as he drove down the road to the junction leading on the main road.

"Don't know. Does anyone actually need an excuse to go to Tesco?" You shrugged your shoulders in agreement as George was correct: one did not need an excuse to go to Tesco. Whether you needed something or not, you'd always come out of the shops with something ... maybe that was why you were always skint? George stopped at the junction and looked both ways before making a move to join the road when he stalled once again. Stifling a laugh, you turned to him and smiled teasingly.

"Don't talk to me."

"Can't I tweet about this?"

"No! Don't! Alex and Lando will never let me live this down!"

"Even better!" You laughed.

Just a wee short one. Hope you like it! xox

 Hope you like it! xox

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