Jealous [Max Verstappen]

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"Are you ... are you jealous?"

Growing up in Hasselt was standard at best. You had your best friends; Max and Victoria Verstappen whom you'd known since you'd started education, and they were enough for you or well that was the case until Max asked Dilara Sanlik to be his girlfriend. Ever since then it seemed that you became second best to everything that revolved around Max or Dilara.

Life seemed too good to be true. From the get-go it seemed that your families were interlinked with Jos and Sophie becoming somewhat of an honorary uncle and aunt, holidaying together become frequent and more often that not you attended karting weekends with Max and other racing weekends as he progressed through the ranks. You were ecstatic when he became a F1 driver and your support had never wavered. However, once Dilara came into the picture you were pushed onto the back burner and ever since then it's been the Max and Dilara Show. You weren't at all bitter.

From the outside, Dilara seemed like the most lovely and down-to-earth girl to walk the planet and initially you had been hopeful of having a new girl friend to gossip with but after your first interaction with her you knew that'd be impossible. Not only was she jealous of the relationship between you and Max but she never let you and Max have alone time to catch up with each other. After a while, you just couldn't hack her, and it was more effort to smile and be happy around the two of them as she just drained the life right out of you. You were hesitant to voice your opinions to Max as you wanted him to be happy and if Dilara made him happy then you'd have to deal with it. The last straw, however, came during the last week of the Summer shutdown. Max, Dilara, Victoria and you were relaxing in Max's apartment in Monaco, when out of nowhere Dilara pulled you aside.

"You can't go to the Belgium Grand Prix" You were in shock. It was the home grand prix. There was no way in hell that you were going to miss it.

"That's the home grand prix!"

"Well done. Gold star for you"

"If you think you can stop me from going then you have another thing coming"

"I might not be able to stop you from going but Max can" She smirked, "One word from me and you won't be able to get within 100m of the track." Your jaw dropped; you couldn't believe that she was being such a diva about it all. Sure, you didn't attend all the races (Dilara being the main reason why) but there was no way you could miss Spa. Frozen in your tracks, Dilara began to walk past you but stopped at your shoulder, "You better thing of an excuse or your friendship will be ruined forever" She sneered before walking back to her seat beside Max, cuddling into his side.

Breaking from your daze, you poked your head out from the kitchen, "Guys, I'm going to head up to my apartment. Getting a bit tired." You said in a desperate attempt to leave. Max stared at for a few seconds before and nodding and wishing you goodbye. "I'll see you's tomorrow!" You shouted as you left his apartment. Once you arrived to your apartment which was one floor above Max's, you hopped in the shower as they always seemed to ease and calm your thoughts.

Half an hour later, you were sat in the centre of your bed, hair wrapped in a towel and dressed comfortably in your pyjamas, scrolling through your Instagram. Due to your closeness with Max your Instagram had attracted quite a few of his fans, some of which you followed back as their appreciation posts for Max always brought a smile to your face. However, you smile fell as you saw the latest post from Kym Illman, the most popular F1 photographer, which consisted of you, Victoria and Dilara smiling at the camera. It sickened you how fake you had to be around the people you loved the most. Just as you continued to scroll after reading some of the comments, there was knock at your door. You were hesitant to answer as you found it suspicious that someone was at your door at 22:00 but after glancing through the peephole, you opened the door to Max who barged straight past you and into your living room.

"Hello to you too" You said sarcastically while closing your door.

"Dilara told me-" You cut him off with an exasperated sigh and a roll of your eyes. "Good Lord, can that girl survive one day without involving the entirety of Monaco in her business." Max stared at you, unamused, for a few seconds before continuing, "She told me you're being rude and hurtful to her." You jaw dropped, (seemed to occur often where Dilara was concerned).

"That manipulative bitch" you mumbled, "I did nothing! She threatened me!"

"Funny, she said the same thing about you."

You leaned against the wall with your arms crossed across your chest staring at him from across the room. It was an absolute joke; she was making you out to be some horrible person when in reality it was her who was the witch. It was silent as you both stared at each other. An uncomfortable silence but you continued to wait for Max to say something.

"Why can't you be happy for me?"

"Happy for you?" You rolled your eyes one more, "Max, I'm trying to protect you from getting hurt." He scoffed, "Don't you see what she's doing?"

"All she's doing is making me happy."

"Max, if I have to roll my eyes one more, I'm going to roll back to Hasselt!" You yelled in frustration. At one point, you were mindful of your neighbours who you where sure wouldn't appreciate being keep awake at this time but that all went out the window when he started sprouting all the crap that Dilara filled his head with. "Sooner of later, she's going to reveal her true colours and don't you dare come crying to me when you see what a shit mistake you've made!" Your frustration was evident in your voice as it began to quiver, and it wasn't long before your eyes were brimming with tears. Your worst nightmare was coming true; Dilara had finally managed to drive a wedge between you and Max. As your body began to shake with sobs you kept eye contact with Max who also seemed to be nearly crying.

"Y/N, you're my best friend. I want my girlfriend and my best friend to be friends!" Max pleaded. You stared at him, shaking your head in disbelief, "I've tried to be friends with her, but she wants none of it! She's a possessive, temperamental and a nasty person!"

"Are you ...  are you jealous?" He asked, you gave him a dumbfounded look.

"Can you hear yourself right now? Am I jealous? Has my whole rant gone in one ear and out the other? Honestly get that fire exit door, I'm off" You said with a sarcastic tone. "Look, I don't want to be the bad person here and make you chose but Dilara is a manipulative bitch and I can't stand her, and if you must insist on having her around when then ... I don't know," you sighed, this was the last thing you wanted but you had it admit, a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders with all your feelings that you'd just admitted to Max. "I guess I'll see you at some point. I trust you can see yourself out." You turned and walked into your room closing the door behind you. You rested against and when you heard the front door close, tears began to run down your cheeks. It seemed like one relationship was over, but it most definitely wasn't the one you were hoping for.


I feel like this one shot allowed me let out a lot of built up emotions as I too have a girl in my friend group who I would just love to yeet out the window.

For those of you who understood the Gemma Collins reference, I applaud you. What an icon she is! For those of you who don't know Gemma Collins, look her up on youtube. it won't disappoint.

Out of interest, would you prefer if the character had a name or should I just stick with Y/N?

Out of interest, would you prefer if the character had a name or should I just stick with Y/N?

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