Family Reunion [Max Verstappen]

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                        Y/N led a happy life. She had a wonderful job that she loved as a marketing advisor for Red Bull Racing and it was there where she met her boyfriend, Max Verstappen; one of the drivers for Red Bull in Formula 1. It was currently the summer break and for three weeks it would be nothing but relaxation and the Monacan sea but first she'd have to wait for Max to arrive home from training, Y/N appreciated during these times how mobile her job was that she could work from home or from the races when she needed to instead of having to journey to Milton Keynes to the Headquarters. It was during the season that she became thankful for facetime so that she could keep in contact with her parents and it was currently this that was occupying her time while waiting for Max.

"Y/N honey, I hope you remember the family dinner that your granny organised for next week?"

"I was hoping you'd forgotten about that! It's literally just a opportunity for them all to boast about themselves." she said with a groan. There were certain members of her family (particularly her cousins; Millie and Ella) that just seemed to love boasting about everything and anything in their life; rightfully so some deserved a little boasting but there were some things they said that just made pressed her buttons in the wrong way.

"Well, aren't you bringing Max?" A smile appeared on her lips (that seemed to happen anytime Max was involved).

"Brining me where?" Max said popping up behind her and giving her a fright. Y/N practically jumped out of her skin as he burst into laughter. "Max!" She slapped his arm, "Don't do that! But remember that dinner I told you about with the fam? It's next week." Max gave a nod of understanding. "Mum I'll facetime you within the week, but I'll see you on Tuesday."

Convincing Max to come with you to the dinner? Easy

Choosing what to wear? Easy

Travelling home? Easy

Preparing to deal with Millie and Ella? Difficulty Level – Extreme.

Y/N had to admit that she hadn't seen her Uncle Simon's family in over a year, simply due to her work and the fact that they spent Christmas not with the family but skiing in Northern Italy, so she felt somewhat bad for assuming that her cousins hadn't changed but from what her mother had told her, nothing seemed to have changed.

As Y/N and Max drove from their hotel where they had booked a room for the next few days, Y/N's body filled with dread and an anxious feeling. She was slightly worried about introducing Max to the entirety of her family (on her mum's side) as she wanted everyone to like him and she was positive they would but there were still those small thoughts that occupied her brain. As if reading her mind Max grabbed her hand and entangled their fingers and rested them on his thigh. It was a smoothing gesture he often did when he could tell that she was nervous. "It'll be ok and if it isn't, we can make up some excuse to leave."

"It's cute that you think I'll be able to leave without receiving some much stick from the family." She said with a sarcastic smile. As they approached Y/N's grandparents house where the dinner was being hosted, Y/N could already see cars piled up outside and Max's Aston Martin (he'd been able to borrow one through his racing connections for the duration of their stay) stuck out like a sore thumb in the midst of Ford and Vauxhalls. "Right, let's go." Y/N made a move to exit the car but was held back by Max's grip on her hand who pulled back so that he could press a kiss to her lips. "It will be fine. I can distract while you take a breather outside." With an appreciative smile Y/N kissed his cheek before letting go of his hand to get out of the car.

"Granny!" Y/N said as she entered the dining room of her grandparents house, only to see everyone already sat around the table but that didn't matter to Y/N as she made a beeline for her Granny and Granda. Her grandparents didn't have the facilities necessary to enable them to facetime Y/N and so this was the first time she'd seen them since before the racing season started. As Y/N made her way around the room, spending a considerable amount of less time with Millie and Ella, she noticed how Max was standing somewhat awkwardly with her parents. "Oh my bad," She mumbled and made her way over to Max, "Everyone this is Max. He's my boyfriend."

"My sweet innocent Y/N's got a boyfriend! How sweet!" Her granny said with a smile.

"Oh well this is my fiancé, Joel!" Millie butted in. Y/N knew it wouldn't be long before Millie or Ella would but in. Trust them to allow anyone else but themselves to have an ounce of attention. Her Granny waved her away with a wave of her hand. "We know that Millie, you introduced him over Easter. Now, let's get dinner served and we can discuss more during that." And with that she, Y/N's mum and Auntie Caroline began to dish the food out into a buffet style so that everyone could serve themselves. As everyone sat down with a plate of food the conversation flowed with Y/N and Max mainly conversing with her parents who sat opposite them and her cousins, James and Danielle who sat on either side of them.

"So, Y/N how is it finding work after graduating?" Her Uncle Simon said. Simon was nice, it was Millie and Ella who gave him a bad reputation as she couldn't fathom how they can been the result of Simon and his wife, Laura. "It's been great. I received one straight after graduating. It's with the same company I did placement with during the summer before final year."

"That's brilliant Y/N! Remind me of that company, would you?" He asked, as they were conversing from opposite ends of the table, most of the family were now listening to them which Y/N didn't mind as it'd save her having to repeat herself numerous times over the remainder of the night.

"It's with the marketing team for Red Bull Racing." Y/N could see his eyes go wide as well some the majority of the other members of her family, bar her parents. Her family were big fans of racing and tried to attend the British Grand Prix each year.

"Really, wow!" He said amazed before Millie interrupted again, "Huh, did you shag the manager?" Y/N jaw dropped as did the rest of her family's, Max's and Millie's once she'd comprehended what she'd just said. "Jesus Christ Millie! Control yourself. Of course, I didn't I have more class than you." The problem with Millie, and Ella to a lesser extent, was that she didn't think about what she was going to say before she's said it.

"Moving on. Must be really proud at Red Bull. There drivers are doing well. Particularly that Verstappen fella." With a knowing glance at Max she rested her hand on his thigh before speaking, "We're ecstatic. It was a brilliant race to watch."

"You were there?"

"Yes, I help run the hospitality on site and greet our sponsors."

"And Max did you get to attend as well?" Stifling a laugh Max answered, "Uh ... yeah."

"Must be nice having a girlfriend who can fly you around the world." Before Max could answer, Y/N answered for him. "Max has a very important job at the races too." She squeezed her hand on his thigh as an indication for him to continue but before he could his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID it read 'Christian Horner' and after showing it to Y/N she indicated for him to answer it, "Sorry 'cuse me." He said and left the kitchen.

"Excuse him, it was our boss."

"What is his job?" Y/N's granny asked.

"I'm surprised none of you recognised him."

"Not everyone looks at the people behind the scenes running the waterstands." Ella explained in a condescending tone. Y/N gave her a flat look before continuing. "What I meant was that my boyfriend is Max Verstappen – you know the racer for Red Bull?" At this point Max had re-entered the dinning room but stopped still in his tracks as everyone had turned to look at him.

"You's ok?"

"Well done in Hungary." Simon broke the silence.

"Ah ... you told them." Max said with a knowing look in Y/N's direction.

" Max said with a knowing look in Y/N's direction

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