Daydream (C17)

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3rd person pov:

242 was sitting down in the main lounge room with Amelia as they watch Kim possible.

A new episode comes on and she hears the theme song. She smirks to herself as she remembers the song word from word.

Tony walks through and watches as the two are sat there. 242 turns her head like she knows someone is there and her eyesight is fixed on Tony.

He smiles and sits next to the girls. "Hello Tony." Amelia whispers as her eyes are still glued to the screen.

"Hello Amelia." Tony replies. He looks over to 242 to find her eyes closed. He nudges Amelia and she looks up at him. He tilts his head to 242.

She looks over at 242 and smiles. She turns her head to Tony. "Do you have a blanket?" She asks.

Tony nods and gets a blanket. He hands it to Amelia and she puts it over 242's sleeping body.

242 was up most of the night because Amelia kept having nightmares. She decided to stay up so she can comfort Amelia.

242 has let her guard down a bit. She could stay awake but she let hetself sleep.

Amelia sits back down and is now watching a random animated film.

Tony glances from 242 to Amelia. "'Do you know anything about 242, Amelia?"

Amelia looks at Tony and furrows her eyebrows. "I don't think im allowed to talk about her without her permission. It's rude."

"Oh come on, you might be helping us put a bad guy away." Tony tries to convince her. Amelia looks unsure.

"Do you think 242 would be ok with it?" Amelia asks him softly. Tony nods his head and Amelia gulps.

"Well I know that she knows a bad guy. He took me from my family as I took something." Amelia explains.

"What did you take?" Tony asks curiously. "I don't know."

"Can you tell me where it is?" Tony asks her. Amelia glances at 242 and looks back at Tony.

"It's a-" Amelia was interrupted when a loud bang is heard. 242 jolts up and mentally curses herself for sleeping that long.

Steve and Natasha walk through, smiling at eachother, talking. Tony walks out of the room.

Amelia goes back to watching the screen, but not before looking at 242 to see her watching Steve and Natasha interact with eachother.

Wanda then walked in "What was that bang?" She asked. Natasha looked over at her, "It was Steve, he can't open a door properly with all his mighty strength." She teased.

Wanda looked at the two sceptically and nodded her head. Her attention was caught on the sound of the tv.

She walked over to the lounge area and saw the cutest thing. 242 and Amelia snuggled up to a blanket as Amelia lays her head on 242's chest.

242 looked up at Wanda and smiled. The magical red-head was surprised but smiled back at 242.

242 patted at the seat next to her, inviting Wanda to sit next to her. She walked over to 242 and sat down next to her.

242 gave Wanda some of the blanket and she watched the film that Amelia most likely picked.

Natasha's pov:

I heard giggles from the lounge area and looked to see Wanda giggling as she rested her head on 242's shoulder.

I didn't like this for some reason. I don't know why I didn't like it. It's like an uneasy feeling in my stomach, it made me feel a bit nauseous. I turned my gaze away from the two, as Amelia had fallen asleep.

I felt a frown fall onto my face. I couldn't help it. I can't be jealous can I? What was I jealous of? The two women in close proximity. "Love is for children." I told myself.

"Are you ok?" I quickly turned around to see 242 standing there with a bottle of water that she had gotten from the fridge moments prior.

"Im fine." I snapped and 242's eyebrows furrowed. "Are you sure?" 242 only wanted to make sure that I was ok.

"Yes now leave it 242!" I didn't exactly know why I was being like this.

242 took a step closer to me and I stayed where I was, still feeling confident in my position on the situation.

"I don't know why your being like this but you better drop the attitude." 242 calmly says. A shiver runs up my spine from 242's words.

242 took another step towards me and I took a small step back. It turned into this rhythm. I take a step back and 242 takes a step forward.

My back hits the wall and 242 stands infront of me. Towering over me and I keep my head down.

242 hums at my reaction and roughly grabs my jaw, forcing my mouth wide open, she makes me look up at her and her hard glare makes me want to look away.

"Awww is Natty feeling a little bit bratty today?" She teases me and I whine in response.

She lightly lets go of my jaw and drags her hand down past my ne-

"NATASHA." I turn my gaze to 242 as she looks at me.

"Are you ok?" She asks me and I answer with a quick yes. I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and quickly exit the kitchen.

I walk to my room and I realise that I just daydreamed about 242 and I.

I need a cold shower.

Agent 242's pov:

That was weird.

Agent 242 (Natasha Romanoff x G!P Assassin) [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now