'You are what you're programmed to do' (27)

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??? Pov:

I roll my eyes again at the annoying, incessant whining coming from the form that's bound to a chair.

It wasn't a pleasant feeling being here, I had far more important things to be doing right now.

Sharply turning around, the woman looked up at me with big, watery eyes filled with fear. I smile at that.

The frightened woman tries to wiggle her way out of the chair she is currently taped to like prey trying to fight for its life.

"Oh what is it, love? Are you finally going to tell me where she is?" I smoothly mock. My expensive heels click against the creaky wood of her shitty apartment.

I grab her wrist and lean down to look into her eyes, seeing her unconsciously look slightly further down. I tut, naughty girl.

My finger harshly meets the underside of her chin and pulls it roughly for her to meet my eyes.

"My eyes are up here, you know little mouse." I scold her gently. I wouldn't want her too scared or she will shut down.

She tries to talk through the tape thats over her mouth but I silently hush her, putting my finger over my lips to emphasise what I want her to do.


My eyes quickly glance towards the phone placed on her kitchen table. I smirk.

"Oh who's texting you, my love?" I walk over to the table. "Perhaps a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" Picking it up, I see a message from "My Hero"

"Oh so you've been talking to her, love. That's makes it so much easier for me." I chuckle and slowly made my way to her.

I grabbed her hand, trying to get her finger to open her phone but she kept fidgeting and fighting me.

"You think you're special? You think you mean something to her?" I laughed at her pain. "Let me tell you something, love."

I crouched down, keeping my legs together as I'm a civilised and proper lady. Getting into her face, I whisper, "we're trained to do that."

Her eyes widened, "come on, I've tried you to your own kitchen chair, forcing you for information and you cant help yourself, can you?" She tilts her head.

"You're just so intrigued, you want to know who I am, why im looking for your beloved hero." I laugh at her expense.

"If you just knew what we were programmed to do, she wouldn't be seen as a hero, but a villain, a reject, a heartless monster that parents tell their children about to keep them well behaved." I humourlessy explain.

I stand myself up, fixing my black dress, feeling the gun as it is holstered to my leg.

Glancing at her with a wicked smile, I pick up a knife from my little kit and look at her. Shes trying to fight her restrains. It's funny to watch.

I giggle at her before letting out a big huff. "I have to get the information out of you somehow." I shrug and she let's out a quiet whimper.


3rd person pov:

It's been quiet the last few days. No missions, no arguments but that's mainly due to the fact that Amelia and 242 have been split up.

242 tried to ask where Amelia would be sleeping but got ignored completely.

Later Wanda asked what was the matter and Amelia replied with, "I dont want to be near that monster." Needless to say, Wanda was gobsmacked. In disbelief. Discombobulated.

Amelia was fine and then not. Like a full 180 from her normal behaviour towards 242.

Like this morning when 242 tried to cut Amelia's pancakes for her and she huffed, Scooting her plate towards Steve to do it for her instead.

242 tried not to look hurt but everyone could see it. She missed the way Tony looked at her. His eyebrows rose in surprise but then continued with his food.


242 walked into the kitchen to make Amelia and herself some food, sure the girl wasn't speaking to her but maybe if she made her food, Amelia would like her again.

She heard chatter at the table and looked to see Tony and Amelia sitting there talking.

She tried not to react to the strike of pain that shot through her heart at the sight but finding herself not being able to stop the hand going over her chest.

The assassins eyebrows furrow in confusion, they haven't spent alot of time together, they barely talked to each other but now they're best buds.

242 couldn't help but feel replaced from being Amelia's best friend.

Tony looked up to see 242 and seemed rather shocked. He looked at Amelia and widened his eyes a little at her before continuing to talk.

"Amelia?" The woman said. The little ignored her and continued to talk to Iron man. "Would you like some food?" Still nothing.

"Amelia, would you answer me please?" Amelia Stopped talking but didn't look in her direction.

"Its rude to ignore people Amelia, you know this." 242 reasoned and Amelia just started talking to Tony again. It seemed as though 242 wasn't in the room.

"Amelia!" 242 yelled. The little girl turned to her and yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" 242 eyes widened in surprise.

"What has gotten into you, Amelia? What have I done to hurt you so?" 242 questioned.

"I dont like you at this moment." Amelia sneered. 242 had never heard that tone from Amelia.

"You know what?" 242 muttered, "I dont know what I've done to you b-"

"242 I dont want to be around you, you annoy me, you surround yourself about these people like you're like them. But you know what... YOU are a MONSTER!" Anelia screamed with much conviction.

"You hate me that much, Amelia? Huh? I will never do anything for you ever again. I will never cut a pancake for the sake of you, WE will NEVER go for ice cream EVER again and I will not be taking you to school or picking you up ever again as I'm SUCH a MONSTER!"


Wanda walked into the room to see a mess.

242 picked up a chair and threw it across the room in anger, the thing breaking in pieces as it hit the wall.

"242, I think you should go cool yourself off, yeah?" Wanda suggested gently. 242 had a deep frown on her face, and her bottom lip trempled.

She nodded and marched off, wiping her eyes as she got further and further from the room.


Ohhh what's happening?🤷‍♀️ Who's that mystery woman at the start of the chapter?🤔🤔 What's happened to Amelia and how has 242 taken it?😡😡🥺🥺

This was slightly rushed guys, but I wanted to get a chapter out as fast as I could. The chapters will be bigger in the future.

Hope you like it!!! 😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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