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Okay, well, a couple of things.

1) SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS. Lemons are hard, well to me at least, mostly because it's my first one and I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW TO WRITE ONE. But no worries. I'll write it for you, reader-chans (?), because I love you all ♡

2) Thank you for the votes and views. I know that 300 something views and 16 votes are basically nothing on here, but I feel so happy everytime I see that you guys enjoy it. It means alot, so THANK YOU, LOVE!!

3) FrUK Day (Entente Cordiale Anniversary thing) is this Wednesday, April 8th!! *makes fangirl noises in the corner and passes out* ... Sorry, I have a problem XD But anyway, it's the 111th anniversary and I'm super happy.
\ >w< /
Ooh and I'll post the lemon on FrUk Day, deal? Deal. So there's your FrUK Day present!!

Okay, well that's the end of this author's note. Carry on with your lives everyone.~


OOHH and btw that's how I look like... horrible, right ? XD oh well..

Edit 1 ((04/05/15)) : Well, I REALLY couldn't wait any longer, so I posted the lemon. Pwease check it out. The Baltics are basically begging you to!!! Okay, bye now!!!

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