║I'm Okay, Trust Me.║

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I have rEALLY wanted to write a one-shot for a My Chemical Romance song for the longest time now, and since there's a bunch of depressing shit going on in my life, I was like, 'Why not make the most crappy, cliché one-shot with the one of the most over-played MCR songs ever?'

Yeah.. so based on the title, you might've guessed its I'm Not Okay (I Promise). My one-shot doesn't really tie that much to the song, but if you want to listen to it while reading my lame one-shot, go ahead. I'll never stop you from listening to Gee ♥

So it's a High School AU with Bully!France and Suicidal!Depressed!Iggy written in Iggy's point of view. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THINGS LIKE THIS, OR ARE EASILY TRIGGERED WITH THE TOPICS OF SUICIDE, SELF-HARM, AND DEPRESSION, PLEASE DON'T READ THIS.

Kay, so with that note...


A single drop landed on the foggy window, more following with every second. My eyes peered through my dirty-blond bangs and focused on the rain storm outside. I really didn't even know why I bothered to go to school these days. My dad had walked out on my mum and I years ago; that resulted in her working way too hard to keep us both afloat. But now, she can't even afford anything for us thanks to her drinking, smoking, and constant abusive boyfriends. I guess right now, I'm just a stone in her path to destruction; pay no mind to me.. everyone already does.

The gray swirls in the heavy clouds mesmerized my chartreuse orbs and pulled me into their haven. But before too long, a voice snapped me back into the reality filled with hate and misery.

"MR. KIRKLAND!" the teacher piped as she slammed her palms onto her mahogany desk. I darted my eyes back to the dull classroom, feeling the sudden stares of students boring into my chest.

Nervously, I slowly pulled my black sleeves down to hide the purplish marks on my pale wrists. "Yes?" I swallowed, my voice wavering as I maintained straight eye-contact with Ms. Karpusi's hazel eyes.

She groaned in annoyance, "Did you hear what I was say--" Before she could finish her sentence, the bell rung, signalling the end 7th period. I, along with everyone else, got up to leave World History. Ms. Karpusi grunted. "You better have your homework done, Arthur!" she yelled out of the classroom door as I wormed my way through the crowd of teens.

My next class was a time of nothing. I had my free period at the last period of the day and they were pretty peaceful, except when it was the day he was at school. And today just happened to be the day he was here.

"Oi! Kirkland!" the blonde whispered as he sped towards me with his shoulder-length hair tied in a ponytail. Instantly, I froze right by my locker, hoping he moved along and thought it wasn't me. I felt the corners of his mouth form into a smirk while he walked toward me, hugging me from behind.

His warm breath tickled my neck and caused me to shift uncomfortably in his grasp. "What is it, Bonnefoy..." I replied, looking over my shoulder to stare into his begrudgingly beautiful blue eyes.

"You know what." Francis whispered. Within less than a second, he placed his lips onto my stiff ones. The, at first, delicate kisses were soon replaced by harsh, hungry ones and I remained motionless. Why even bother with someone who doesn't care about you?


I ended up having my hands pinned up over my head while Francis' hands roamed across my body, his lips never leaving my neck. "Hey.. you are really close to having a starfish-partner kink, you know that, right, Francis? Unless you want me to consider this rape..."

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