💙- fireworks🎆

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✨ Angst/fluff✨

Mother!daughter relationship.

Wanda is 12 in this oneshot
The avengers found her in a hydra base but she wouldn't go with them terrified that they would hurt her until the kind red head came over to helped her calm down.

Tw⚠️: flashbacks

Wanda pov.
Today's the 4th of July so tonight we are having a fireworks display this is my first independence day!! Nat said that Clint and Laura are coming with the kids to spend the night which is nice because I haven't seen them in ages! I've been put on cake duty as I'm the only one in this compound who can bake.

Nat pov.
It's 4th of July and every one Is excited and looking forward to it but I'm anxious as Wanda has very bad ptsd which I think that the fireworks might trigger thankfully we are not having a display. Clint's kids are coming and Laura. I'm also helping decorate and bake cakes.

No one's pov.
It was dark now and Tony calls everyone outside for the surprise little did nat know that they were having a fireworks display but tony had planned it secretly.

The Barton kids ran to the front of the small group as Nat put the pieces together..

Wanda's pov.
We all got called outside for some reason but we went any way when tony was excited about his 'surprise' I was super confused as I'd never experienced this before but as the kids ran to join their parents at the front nat grabbed my hand??
I raised my eyebrows at her and gestured to our hands she just shrugged, oh well.Tony then shouted "J start the count down!!" We all counted and the a screech erupted from the bottom of the garden and the sky burst into colours but a thundering bang followed that sent my mind spiralling pulling me into my mind..

I was pushed back through time to that day.. the day my life would forever be torn.My head spun and my
Vision distorted and hearing distant barely hearing Nat calling my name. every bang bringing the bad memories clawing back .

Nats pov.
As soon as the bang hit I looked to Wanda who cried out.. she had her eyes screwed shut and tears poured out by the third bang she was on the floor crying.

I wasted no time in picking her up and taking her too her bed room. Clint running ahead getting the doors, trying to help in any way he could. All while wanda cried her eyes out her head in my neck but she didn't open her eyes once to stuck in her own head.

Clint ran to get her some water while I tried to pull her out of her mental hell.

"Wanda, hunny I know your scared right now but I need you to talk to me. Can you hear me Wan??" I spoke softly trying not to shake her up any more. "Nat??" A small voice questioned. "Yea, it's me hun can you open your eyes for me?" That got answered by a forceful head shake. "That's ok bubs. Take your time, can you take some deep breaths for me? I'm right here im not leaving." I assured her. As I was met by her green-blue eyes that showed panic.

By the time Clint came back and she was responsive.

"Hi Wanda how are you feeling now?" Clint asked trying to keep the evident worry out of his voice. "Better" Wanda croaked out her voice horse from crying.

Then another firework went of and she buried her head fully into my chest while she just cried into my chest as I whispered softly in her ear while Clint rubbed her back.

Once she stopped she had a few shaky sips of water from her glass of water. Clint left once she was ok and told me to call him later having to put his kids to bed.

Wanda stayed in my lap and refused to move out of my lap as I covered her ears to help stop the bangs outside her window and put the dick van dye sitcom on as I know she liked that. As she calmed her exhaustion set in after being emotionally drained by the earlier events of today.

Once she was fast asleep tony came in..

"Sorry I was coming here to apologize but I will come back tomorrow.." tony said apprehensively with a guilt stained expression " I didn't think it would affect her that much.." he admitted. Nat just smiled sympatheticly. "it's ok you didn't know she's fine just a little shaken" Nat said while stroking Wanda's pale skin plastered in tear stains.
"Ok goodnight nat" tony whispered but stopped and turned around to nat and asked a shocking question "do you think she will always hate me for the bombs?" Tony asked putting together that the fireworks were similar to the bombs..

Nat was unsure how to reply.. "I believe she won't, she understands it was only your technology stark you couldn't help if it got into the wrong hands, it's just easier for her to blame you but she will forgive you because there isn't a hateful bone In her body" "thanks nat goodnight." Tony left feeling slightly better but still planned to apologize tomorrow..

Word count: 911

Thx for reading

Take care of yourselves.❤️
Eat something and hydrate take your meds if you need to you are important!!

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