💙-all to much pt2

913 25 2

Mother! daughter/
Mentor! friendship

Steve/Wanda as father daughter type relationship

Autistic wanda maximoff

Wanda: 14-15

Tw⚠️:mentions of panic attacks and autistic meltdowns.


It had been a few weeks since that night at dinner and something had been on Wanda's mind. She wanted to know why she didn't go to school? Peter was a year older than her and he went to school so why didn't she? She considered that it could be because she has powers but quickly shutting that down realising if that was the reason Nat would have told her. Wanda going to school made sense to her. Wanda wanted to ask Nat but she didn't know how to bring it up in a conversation.

It was 4pm in the compound and Wanda and Nat were just about to leave for the mall - Wanda and Nat planned this weeks ago so Wanda had it in her schedule, as not to break routine- they were both excited for the trip, finally getting to spend time together without their male team mates.

When they were driving to the mall Wanda asked her question, as she had found a good time to. "Nat?" Wanda said and Nat hummed out as a signal to keep going. "why don't I go to school?" She asked tenitively while rubbing her thumbs over the backs of her hands- a nervous habit of Wanda's.

Nat had been dreading the moment Wanda would ask this, mainly because she didn't want to answer. Not just the Wanda having powers thing but Wanda had been diagnosed with autism so if she went to public school she could be bullied. Have a meltdown. Panic attack. Anything could happen and Nat wouldn't be there. From what Peter had told her public school was loud, busy two of Wanda's triggers that could start a meltdown. During Wanda's meltdowns she often lost control of her powers as well as she usually could and couldn't think properly meaning she often accidentally lashed out. All the risks of danger she couldn't send Wanda to school. Not only could it hurt the other kids, but Wanda could lose all the progress she had made since she started living with the avengers.

"Well honey I didn't think you would like it very much" Nat replied cautiously. "Why??" Wandas question only gave her more unanswered questions. "How about we talk about this when we get home okay? Because we're here now!" Nat said as Wanda nodded.

After their shopping trip they were putting Wanda's new clothes away. "Can we talk about school now?" Wanda asked still not forgetting the words the Russian said. "sure honey, what do you want to know?" Nat said. " What's school like, I mean I never went in Sokovia, because you don't start school until your 8 there and we couldn't access the school because of the bombs, why can't I go now?" Wanda asked. "Well honey you know how you don't like loud noises, and bright lights- school is full of those and you have to get up at 7 to get there on time which would mess up your routine" Nat explained.
"That makes sense.. can I still go? I feel differently to others, other normal people have friends I don't have friends other than anyone on the team I don't like feeling different Nat, Peter goes to school like a normal person, Peter is normal" Wanda pointed out when Wanda said she wasn't normal Nat cringed thinking that Wanda really sees herself in that way. "Wanda honey you are normal no matter what you think you are okay? And If you want to, I can look into getting you into a school okay - no promises though is that alright with you?" Nat said as she now would have to look at neuro divergent friendly schools as not every school want neuro divergent students. "Yes thank you Nat!!" Wanda beamed.

"Wanda honey, can you come here please!" Nat called out. "Am I in trouble?" Wanda said quietly not recognizing Nats tone so she couldn't tell if she was angry or not. "No your not Wanda, no need to worry but do you remember when you asked me about school?"Wanda nodded, "well I have found 3 that we can view if you would like?" Nat said beaming. As she already applied for an application.

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