🧡- oh shit!!

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Tw⚠️: covid, vomiting

Trying a new writing style let me know what you think.
It started with a sore throat..

Nat and Wanda had just gotten back from the grocery store and we're putting away their grocery shopping talking about what they wanted to eat tonight. "Wanda do we have any honey?" Nat asked looking in the cupboards. "Yea it's over there" Wanda pointed to the cupboard by the window "why do you want it Hun?" Wanda asked.
"Oh I just have a sore throat that's all" Nat replied grabbing the honey and putting the kettle on "I'm sure it's nothing so don't worry.. ok?" Nat said calmly trying to ease Wanda's current worry. "ok but we still need to test ok?" Wanda stated being cautious as they were in the middle of a pandemic.

Once Nat had her tea with honey she didn't feel any better and decided to take a nap. Wanda walked into the living area of their floor in the compound to find Nat napping which was odd as Nat never naps in the day. She also saw Nat shivering so she went to pull a blanket over her but when Wanda felt Nats forehead she soon realized that something was up.

Wanda went into the kitchen to grab their thermometer wanting to check her girlfriends temp. "Hey Hun could you sit up for me?" Wanda asked slightly waking Nat from her peaceful slumber. "Hmm" Nat said stretching, "what's goin on? I'm cold" she said exhaustion evident in her voice. " I just want to check your temperature love ok?" Wanda asked concerned for her girlfriend.
"Why? I feel fine.." Nat stated trying to stand, only to be met with a spell of dizziness forcing her to sit down again. "That's why love and you felt hot earlier while shivering so your not getting out of this!" Wanda said sternly. "Bu-" Nat tried to interject but was met with "It's non negotiable love now open up it's for the best.. ok?" From Wanda then a thermometer being placed under her tongue.

As they waited Wanda traced patterns on the back of Nats hand to calm her down. When the thermometer beeped..


"Oh shit-" Wanda cursed when she saw the number. "What's wrong?" Nat asked and Wanda showed her the thermometer "that can't be right take it again!" Nat said as she hated being sick and feeling useless. "I will later Nat but you had a sore throat, felt hot earlier and still do now" Wanda said putting her hand on Nats forehead "and you can't stand up due to dizziness so your going to bed and I'm ordering you a covid test understood?" Wanda said worry filling her up about Nat. "Fine.." Nat agreed knowing that this was inevitable.

Once Wanda got Nat to bed she started to complain of headache feeling cold again. "Nat you have a fever I'm not letting the blankets on you, you will overheat!" Wanda said. " But please baby I'm cold..🥺" Nat tried the puppy eyes. "Ok that's alright how about cuddles yea?" Wanda reasoned not caring that Nat might have covid that didn't matter at the moment. "Ok.. " Nat said falling into Wandas lap and then almost instantly fell asleep.

Wanda ordered Nat and herself a covid test online and they were set to be delivered tomorrow.

Once Nat was asleep Wanda snuck off to the kitchen. Planning to make a soup to southe Nats saw throat and knowing Nat wouldn't be in a mood to eat.

After this Wanda started the soup and informed the team. She messaged Steve and he called a team meeting (virtually of course in true corona fashion✨) and Wanda explained the situation to the rest of the team them wishing Nat well. She also asked if any of the other couples wanted some of her soup as she knew the others like her cooking. Steve and Tony agreeing as well as sam and Bucky, carol and Valkyrie as well as Thor and Bruce so she made extra to send down to the others.

Once it was ready Wanda severed two bowls for her and Nat and placed them on a tray with some crackers to dip in. Then put the others portions into a Crock-Pot to keep warm sending it down to the elevator to the main floor where the others were.

Taking the tray into their room planing on waking Nat up to try and get her to eat something as well as re-take her temperature just to be sure.

"Nat, can you wake up please?" Wanda asked her after placing the tray on their dresser. Nat just groaned her body aching. "Come on Nat I need to take your temperature then I've made your favorite soup" Wanda pleaded with the spy. "Really?" Nat asked still groggy from sleep weakly and slowly sitting up. "Yea now let me take your temperature and you can eat ok?" Wanda softly asked her. "Okay.." Nat opened her mouth and Wanda put the thermometer in.


"That's not good" Wanda sighed. "What isn't?" Nat asked anxiously. "It's gone up baby that's all." Wanda tried to calm her girlfriend. "to what?" Nat asked looking at the thermometer "oh.." Nat said shrinking back into the bed.

"Let's get some soup into you.. yea?" Wanda asked Nat. "Okay" Nat trying not to talk as her sore throat was painful but none the less ate most of her soup the warm liquid comforting her she didn't touch the crackers her not wanting to anger her throat more.

After Nat and Wanda had their soup they decided to go to bed. "Wanda?" Nat shouted from the bathroom her throat no longer burning as much after the soup. "Yes hun?" Wanda answered as Nat walked back in. "Should you be around me if we think I might have covid?" Nat asked she was worrying about Wanda getting sick.

"I don't really care love, as long as you're ok I will be fine" Wanda said as Nat got into their bed "Now come here I want cuddles!" She demanded and Nat lay her head on Wanda's chest.

♪┌|∵|┘♪ time skip └|∵|┐♪

At 2am Wanda woke up to Nat wheezing and coughing in bed. She got up open a window for some fresh air and sat Nat up more helping the red head to breath rubbing her back. When Nat got up and went to the bathroom and threw up. Wanda rubbed her back pulling her hair away from her face. After this Nat got something to drink, brushed her teeth and they went back to bed.

"Love I need you to wake up you have to take your test.." wanda coaxed Nat from her dreamy state. Once Nat was awake Wanda gave her some water. Then she got the test and handed Nat the swab. "Throat first then nose love ok" Wanda said sweetly.

Once the tests were done Wanda dropped them off downstairs and Steve offered to take them to the collection place.

When she got upstairs Nat was in bed watching a random movie. "I'm gonna check your temp again ok love?" Wanda asked being cautious about her girlfriend. "Yea that's fine" Nat choked out.

Once their results were back Nat was positive and Wanda negative. After two weeks Nat was better. Then Wanda started showing symptoms of covid.. she ended up being positive but Nat took care of her.

Thx for reading and take care of yourself, earth and drink something take your meds if that's something you need to do.🙃

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